Life Sucks, And Then You Die

My first supervising shift is tomorrow. I love how the first time I'm doing this, not only are the supervisor and backup supervisor not there, but the manager isn't there either. How 'bout them apples? Here's hoping I don't explode the place.

Yesterday evening I had the most epic of epic mental breakdowns. Um... I don't ever want to feel like that again. I was just inconsolable. Hysterical. Capital City Guy called me to try and calm me down but I was just bawling, convinced that I couldn't go on. I'm better today. I mainly blame the two rather big changes that have happened to me lately, the extreme lack of sleep, and just how cruel and lonely this city can be sometimes.

I'm better today. Not great... but not going through a whole box of Kleenex while chugging gin straight from the bottle godawful like I was last night. I got a decent night's sleep, at least. The combination of gin and melatonin last night knocked me out.

So Monday was this whole big news thing... I'm still a relatively large news fangirl, I will say. So I went. Local TV station is being threatened with being closed down. Monday was supposed be its last day but I guess negotiations are still going on to buy the station so its lifespan has been extended another few days. Anyways, it was a bonanza for local celebs and I walked behind a couple of reporters while they were on the air so that my parents could see me on TV. They were all excited. They recorded the broadcast. And apparently my mom told my Token Foreign Friend about it and she wants to see it. And I'm just like "Uh... k..." Wasn't a huge deal for me, though, I've been on TV a handful of times during my life. Emu is a star. I was also interviewed by a radio station on Monday while at this news thing, a fact which I completely forgot to tell anyone about until today... cuz it didn't seem like all that big of a deal. But apparently that was also exciting.

Capital City Guy is apparently out for dinner with the asshole and his semi-goth girlfriend because they bought a rescued stray dog from Mexico a little while ago and it died, like, 2 weeks later from some unknown disease and after they spent $5000 on vet bills. Now, this was a very sweet gesture from Capital City Guy. And I love animals as much as the next person and want to save them all, but you couldn't pay me enough money to take in a diseased stray from Mexico. It probably had canine swine flu or something. Yeesh.

Cute Emo Boy pissed me off something fierce yesterday during our break. Spouting off shit about stuff he knows nothing about. Apparently he doesn't think having bad credit would be a problem, and also that student loans will just hand you as much money as you need. I was basically just like "You stupid, naive, ignorant little child." I mean, you really had to be there to understand how infuriating he was being. Ugh.

Anyways... I'm kinda nervous excited anxious about tomorrow. I dunno how well I'll be able to sleep tonight while thinking about it. I should probably hit up the melatonin again. I'll skip the gin this time, though.

2009-09-02 at 7:06 p.m.