You PMS Like A Bitch... I Would Know

So Cute Emo Boy was a douche and a half yesterday, but was slightly better today. Mainly, I suspect, because he thought I looked good. Which I totally did on purpose. Because these are the games I play. Like this morning I noticed out of the corner of my eye as I walked by his desk that he was totally full on checking me out, which was kind of a nice feeling. Then, yeah, at lunch... he was like "You look really good today" and that smile I love. Compliments all around. He's still pretty distant, though. And I'm still rather irritated with him and now fully convinced that he's not the boyfriend material that he originally showed himself to be. But at least he didn't go on an angry rant about physics like he did yesterday at lunch... that pretty much totally left me speechless. This guy needs to be medicated, man. Seriously.

So big day for me today... I finally got approved for my very own Visa. The Emu has stopped being a job hopping gypsy long enough for the credit card companies to not see her as a potential risk. Only thing is it's at my parents' house because I applied for it through the bank, with whom I never bothered to change my address. So I have to wait a few weeks before it's in my hot little hands. But, hey, I've waited this long. So after I get that I can get rid of the Visa that I share with my mom and finally be a full grown adult. Yay to that. And I thought the day I got approved for my own HBC credit card was a big day. But this credit card can be used at more than 3 different stores. So, you know, it's much better.

You know... I'm kinda regretting the internet stick. I mean, it's good in the sense that I don't have to worry about the sketchiness of being able to connect with the router but... it's probably going to end up costing me a lot of money. I mean, I've cut down considerably on my usage and haven't been on YouTube or anything like that with it but... eh, I'll see how big my first bill is, then adjust my usage accordingly. I mainly figure it's gonna be a waste because... well, I haven't taken it anywhere yet. Where the fuck am I gonna take my computer anyway? Starbucks? Well sure but there's WiFi there so I probably wouldn't need the stick anyway. Meh, whatever. I'm not going to worry about this too much right now.

I dunno what else there is to say about my life right now. Um, I started reading Twilight on the weekend. Just to see if the hype is justified at all. I'm about 200 pages in and... yeah, it's not too bad. I'm not orgasming all over the place like so many of these women do over Edward Cullen but... well, maybe that comes later.

Anyways, I guess that's it for now. Talk to you again soon.

2009-08-18 at 8:49 p.m.