I Don't Even Know

Ah, my middle of the night entry comes early. Mainly cuz I passed out at, like, 9:30 last night. I actually slept through the night the past couple nights, though, which was amazing. Despite the heat, or possibly because of it. It felt like it cooled down a lot yesterday... either that or I've adjusted.

I fear I am falling back into a not good comfort zone with Capital City Guy. It's just so easy to do. Oh this is all gonna blow up in my face so soon... I'm glad I'm going away for the long weekend so I won't see him again for a while. I need to smarten up again here.

I dunno, maybe part of my problem is that I don't really know what's going on with Cute Emo Boy, and I don't want to be the one to bring it up. But it's been almost two months now... I dunno, it's nearly great but there's something missing and I can't put my finger on what it is. We haven't hung out after work at all this week, which is a first. We've also stopped texting so much. Our lunch breaks together have gone pretty well this week, though. I dunno, I dunno. Maybe I'm thinking too much about this. But I just really really like him and I want good things to happen with us. I hope we can keep some kind of conversation going over the weekend while we're both off out of town doing our thing.

Wow, it sounds like the crazies are out in full force tonight. Getting an early start on the long weekend, it seems.

But yeah, it is long weekend time again so I'm off to Nutty McShitville, as always. I have mixed feeling about it. But then I know I kinda need to get away and I need a distraction for a while. Plus Chuckles and our Token Foreign Friend seem excited to see me. But weekends away are not very restful. And I'm gonna miss Cute Emo Boy, but he's going away too anyway. Last time I went to Nutty McShitville we had a "I miss you" "I miss you too" dialogue going on... I hope that happens again.

Roomie appears to be gone. I can always tell he's gone away for an overnight thing when his electric razor isn't in its charger in the bathroom. I left my room just now and it was so quiet and dark in the apartment... which only happens when he's gone. It was nice. He needs to be gone, like, always.

I'm physically not feeling too great, I've had this brutal cough for well over a week now. Plus I'm kinda crampy... can anyone tell me why my period is, like, a week and a half early? TMI, I know, but it's just like "What the fuck is this shit?!" Apparently I'm not suffering enough right now, my body just had to go and throw that at me too. Oh the joy.

Maybe I should attempt bed again. It's gonna be a busy day.

2009-07-31 at 1:38 a.m.