I Need To Stop Being So Awesome

Okay, so remember in my last entry when I said that Capital City Guy was done? Um... scratch that. He has YET AGAIN gravitated back into my life. I don't know how this keeps happening. Apparently I am too nice? Or I totally am just the perfect woman. Or both. So anyways, I agreed to go over to his house this evening to watch a movie... however I will be honest and firm and I'm not spending the night, which he probably thinks I'm going to. He's like... I don't even know, it's like he's afraid to be alone. It's a little sad... borderlining on scary, but not quite. Like, I'm not feeling threatened by him but I've had more than one person say that probably the only way I'm going to get rid of him is by moving. Which is extreme... but I'll keep that in mind.

Anyways, to switch things over to the guy I actually do still like... *sigh* oh, Cute Emo Boy. I went over to his place Sunday evening... got to see the new pad. Fairly basic 2 bedroom apartment... maybe a bit bigger than this one, and in a nicer, albeit less convenient, area. So we hung out... I bought him a Thomas The Tank Engine book, because for some reason our love for all things Thomas has continued into adulthood and is something we've bonded over, so he read it to me in an over the top English accent. Then we Googled this one thing because I didn't believe him that this one character was supposed to be a tractor, because I didn't think it looked like one. So we were on the computer looking at Thomas stuff and he had me sit on his lap which... well, it was just fun. I've never been much of a lap sitter but goddamn, I could have stayed there forever.

Monday and Tuesday he was kind of acting weird towards me, which made me sad and worried, but yesterday he started acting more normal and today he was just really really sweet and told me I was beautiful. Except he did it in kind of a weird, off-handed way that initially just confused me and made me think he was mocking me. But then he was like "I just told you I think you're beautiful, learn to take a compliment!" And, yeah, that made me smile and feel happy inside, which was nice. So originally both of us were supposed to be going to the Big City this weekend for different things, but for both of us it ended up falling through, so he suggested we go to a movie or something together instead. Which will be fabulous. But other than that, I'm sure the weekend will be a whole lot of nothing. Capital City Guy isn't even going to be around to harrass me... he's going to the Big City. I don't know what it is with this weekend and people planning on going to the Big City. It's a bit weird.

But, yeah, I was gonna go visit Thing 1 there and go to, like, this amusement park thing but she texted me a couple days ago to say she's run out of money, so I'm gonna go sometime in August instead.

And in other news... I found out through Facebook a couple days ago that Giggles has moved back to Nutty McShitville. Colour me surprised. I don't think she even tried to get back on her feet here. She just waited for Daddy to bail her out, which he did. And my mom told me today that she went into work there asking for a job, and was flat out told no. Well cuz, like... she transferred from the store there to the store here and was given a really good reference and she ended up being a complete slacker and getting fired so um... yeah duh, they're not going to want to hire her back. Not only did she just get fired from a store in the same company, she made her old supervisor look bad for giving her such a good reference initially and I guess he's pretty pissed about that. Giggles appears to be back to not talking to me, but I hope I can stay relatively up to date with her drama through other means cuz goddamn if that girl isn't just better than TV. I mean really.

Oh, and... I can't remember, did I mention in here that Chuckles is preggers? Cuz yep, she is. She's my first close friend to get knocked up and decide to keep it, so I'm pretty excited. She's due in March, so I said she has to have it on my birthday just cuz that would be cool. So we'll see how this goes for her. Apparently she's pretty sick right now but I hope things get easier for her. She'll be the cutest pregnant lady EVER once she starts showing.

Anyways enough of me, I should see about heading over to Capital City Guy's place before too much longer. Wish me luck.

2009-07-23 at 5:36 p.m.