Walk Away

Another middle of the night entry FOR YOU!

Okay, first of all... Capital City Guy is a fuckin' retard and I'm done. We went to UFC together last night (which was AMAZING, by the way... GSP! GSP!) and he had numerous little pouty hissy fits about how I'm not affectionate anymore and how I've basically lost that lovin' feelin', and I was just kinda like "Yeah, um... did you miss the part where I broke up with your ass? Cuz that pretty much explains why I'm acting like this." I told him that even though I do very much still love him, I'm not going to compromise my happiness and go back in a relationship with him just to keep him in my life. Because he basically gave me a week to make a decision on his "All or Nothing" plan. If he is that convinced that we can't just be friends and we either have to be in a committed relationship or pretend that the other one has just fallen off the face of the earth, then... well, I made my choice, and it was pretty easy.

He just sent me a retared message on Facebook all like "Well if you'd rather be alone then be with the man you're in love with, then you must be extremely twisted up inside in a way that you haven't explained to me." Then he said something about having to make a clean break. And it's like... fuck you. That message doesn't even deserve a response. First of all, twisted up inside? No. I wouldn't exactly call the sheer joy of freedom twisted in any way. And a clean break?! I don't think so, this breakup has taken over a month now and it's been pretty messy.

In other happier news... hung out with Cute Emo Boy yesterday. I get more and more smitten with him every time I see him. We went out for lunch, walked around downtown, did some clothes shopping, then sat under a tree and talked. He is so freakin' cool, he is unlike any guy I've ever met... I can't even begin to describe to you all the things that I think make him amazing and unique and just so fun to be with. We're gonna hang out again today, it will be good.

I should attempt sleep again, I guess. It's pretty annoying how more often than not I wake up in the middle of the night and have to get up for a while before I can get back to sleep. But life is full of annoyances, isn't it?

2009-07-12 at 4:40 a.m.