I'm Not As Strong As I Should Be...


*ahem* Anyways, let's start with the good stuff. Friday night. Bought a case of beer, Cute Emo Boy came over, we drank and watched Scarface because I was all appalled that this movie lover had never seen this particular Pacino classic... Had sex again, it was better, but the fact of the matter is I'm probably going to be disappointed by every man I have from this point on, just because Capital City Guy was so frickin' amazing in bed. But, yeah, then the next morning our hungover asses went out for a much needed hangover breakfast and he went home.


Capital FUCKING City Guy just had to take one more opportunity to tear my heart in half in front of my eyes. He sent me a message on Facebook (BIG MAN), saying he's thought about it and figures we're not going to be able to be friends. He doesn't want to see me again. I've really hurt him with how fast I've moved on to greener pastures. Yes, and um... cue Emu's collapsing, bone crushing, complete mental breakdown. I know you're all probably saying "Good riddance to bad rubbish! Get the fucker out of your life for good!" but, um... well, y'all aren't me. You don't know how much I truly need him to still play some part in my life. A minor part, mind you, but I need as many friends in this mean city as I can get and he's just... well I dunno, I just feel like I need him in my life, I need a male friend who's looking out for me.

Then the Male got pulled into this because I was on Facebook crying at the series of messages Capital City Guy and I had just sent to eachother, and he sent me a message asking what was up. So I told him, and since he was on his way over to his place to pick up something he'd left there, he said he'd have a talk with him. So he tried to talk Capital City Guy into being reasonable, into taking some time away from me to just heal thyself and move on, get over me in a romantic way and be able to see the potential we truly do have to be friends. But I guess he was all just beyond upset at how I've bounced back from the breakup while he sits there in misery. But the Male, and bless him for this, brought up the fact that I'm on anti-depressants... the Male is on them too, the same kind as me, just a lower dose... and I guess he was just kind of like "I know for me they really take the edge off of everything, and if she's taking even more of them than I am then I'm really quite shocked that she's capable of feeling pain at all."

Then after that, the Male came over here and took me out for dinner and ice cream and talked to me and made me feel better. But then when we came back here and I went on Facebook and there was one final message from Capital City Guy... pushed over the edge. Flip out, break down, a wailing kind of crying... he just sat there and rubbed my back and told me to get it all out of my system. So I mostly did. He hung out here until he figured he should give me some time to myself, which I definitely did need. Cute Emo Boy had called a little bit earlier and invited me to some huge assed get together he was having with some friends and I said I'd get back to him on that, but in the end decided that I really just needed more alone time and some sleep, so I sent him a text saying that. Then when I woke up (at 5 in the morning, no less... pretty typical of me...) there was a voicemail from his equally cute equally emo best friend, who I've only met the one time so far when I was plastered, saying "I know you're having a bad night, but you should really give [Cute Emo Boy] a call and come over here and we'll cheer you up and make sure you have some fun." Then there was a text from Cute Emo Boy saying "I'm sorry you're not here, you're missed!" And I was all "Awwwwww!" Part of me was tempted to call him right then, because based on stories he's told me they were probably still going at 5 in the morning.

Anyways, the moral of all this is I know I'm loved, I have some great friends who are there for me. And I know there is a good guy and a great friend in Capital City Guy, he just needs to cool down a bit... the Male kept saying he was being emo which cracked me up because Capital City Guy would not like being labelled as such a thing, he has a definite hate on for the emos. Despite the fact that I'm kind of emo-ish and he definitely fuckin' acts like one sometimes. And... yeah. Now yesterday is over, today is all about the Emu feeling good... I'm gonna go back to bed for a while, then when I get up I'm going to go for a nice walk and buy myself something pretty. It will be grand.

2009-06-28 at 5:58 a.m.