
Whyyyyyyyy am I awake?

Anyways... just thought I'd say that a couple nights ago I had a talk with Capital City Guy... he was actually done his nervous breakdown by this time, and well aware that that he had been kinda, well... silly. But anyways, yeah, we talked and I told him about Cute Emo Boy and we decided that officially totally and truly now... we are done. I mean we will still be on friendly terms since we have mutual friends and, believe it or not, we actually do get along really well. We just really did not work as a couple. So, yeah. We'll see how this goes. But as it stands right now, I have no plans on seeing him until the Female's weird-assed Tuesday night BBQ next week because she always has her little get-togethers on Tuesday nights, of all nights.

Oh but oooh, as I was typing that I realized that I'll have the next day off because it's Canada Day so for once, it doesn't completely fuck me up. Cheers to that.

Yesterday after work Cute Emo Boy took me out for burgers and daiquiris, which was nice. He is a very sweet guy, and it seems reader feedback continues to be positive. And, yeah, after that we hung out in a park for a while, talking and cuddling until it became entirely too windy for us to be there. And... yeah. Then we're going to do something this weekend, dunno what... but it doesn't even matter. Squeeeeeee, I like him. And he likes me. And he's so cute and he's fuckin' funny and he thinks I'm cute and funny and we have such similar extremely cynical outlooks on life that we just click pretty well.

Oh, and on the "OMG, I can't believe MJ died!!11one11!!" topic that everyone is talking about... yeah, what's up with that? I seriously did not see that one coming. My first reaction was "Whoa, I haven't been this shocked by a celebrity death since Heath Ledger." Cute Emo Boy agreed. We found out about it when we were at the restaurant yesterday. Then I got home and found out Farrah Fawcett had died too, but no one was talking about it... I guess the moral of this story is don't die on the same day as the King of Pop, cuz no one will care.

Anyways, I guess I should attempt sleep again. Seriously, I'm surprised I haven't keeled over yet with all of the crappy night's sleeps in a row I've gotten. I haven't had a good 8 hours since last weekend. It's a little concerning.

2009-06-26 at 3:08 a.m.