Oh And BTW, I'm Not Working Tomorrow Either. I Hate My Job.

Incase you were wondering, I did infact end up only working the one day last week. It all kinds of sucked. Except for, you know, all the relaxing I did.

Since Capital City Guy has Fridays off, we spent the day together... I think. At least most of it. Trying to remember... I think I spent most of the afternoon at home but other than that... yeah. Oh yeah, he had a couple people over for a Rock Band night that evening. Good times. I decided to tackle the drums for the first time in a while and... good god. EPIC fail. Although I guess I didn't epically fail on drums as much as the cute awkward guy did. Drums are HARD on that game, man! The only person I've seen who actually does well is Capital City Guy. They are brutal.

And yeah, Saturday was our little road trip. We drove to Cracktown to hang out with his family for a bit, then we all drove up to Nutty McShitville for dinner at what I feel is a highly over-rated over-priced restaurant, but at least I didn't have to pay. Then Capital City Guy and I went to my parents' house and we had a quiet night. Today we went out for lunch with my mom, then headed back here. Nothing too exciting, but not a bad weekend overall. Although I'm pretty sure his family thinks I'm weird and I'm positive my family thinks he's weird. Oh, the differences.

Now Capital City Guy is being a hermit and while I'm pretty much in that mood as well, I was kiiiinda fishing around for an opportunity to spend the night at his place because... well, I officially HATE that air mattress, it's impossible to get comfortable on, and it needs more air and I went and buried the pump thinking I wouldn't need it again for a while because I was expecting to have his futon already but... *sigh* So anyways, he made me feel like I was being a Needy McNeederson, although I had given him several hours alone before I sent him any kind of communication, so that made me cranky because I still swear up and down that I am among the least needy women on this planet, I just want a good goddamn night's sleep and maybe some cuddles. I thought he might be game to have me over tonight, since I denied him sex last night because... well, I've gone this long without having sex in my parents' place and I don't see any point in starting now. Something about knowing my dad was in the next room just sucked any desire I might have had completely out of my body and... yeah. So he was all disappointed, but apparently not disappointed enough. Oh well. Another sleepless night for me.

Not that nights at his place are much better, and I usually end up on the couch but... well, I like that couch. It's currently the easiest place in this world for me to sleep.

Giggles appears to be not talking to me. She was in Nutty McShitville for a few days, apparently just got back today too, and... well, I've only heard part of the story but apparently she flipped out because people like Chuckles and our Token Foreign Friend always make time for me when I come to town, but neither could make time for her. Now she's pissed at me, apparently? ANYWAYS, I can think of a few reasons why this may be the situation. First of all, I've made more of an effort to stay in touch with them. Secondly, I usually give them notice I'm coming, whereas she didn't. Thirdly, I'm not a fucking psycho like she is. Fourthly, I'm awesome. Fifthly, I don't have any large groups of people who refuse to have anything to do with me. I could go on. I've never punched out any of my friends, I'm not banned from half the bars in Nutty McShitville, I'm not a violent drunk, I'm not a raging bitch. I win all over the place, and it's time for her to realize that she's pushing people away. Especially when I keep trying to be civilized and nice to her, despite all her flaws and how hard she makes it for me.

But yeah, I didn't meet up with anyone there this weekend, since it was just a very short stay and I'll be back up there on Thursday night. I'm looking forward to that. I'm really excited about next weekend.

Enough of me for now. Time to sit here until I feel about ready to pass out, then climb into bed and hope that my sheer exhaustion will allow me to sleep through the night. But I'm not counting on it.

2009-04-05 at 9:26 p.m.