Is It Just Me Or Am I Getting A Little Crotchety?

Have I mentioned in here about the Little Chickita's (remember her??) upcoming wedding? They grow up so fast. *tear* Anyways, I was talking to her on MSN and she was telling me about how there's too many guests to fit in the place where they're having the reception, so I can't bring anyone to that... until "the old people start to leave". AND because her soon-to-be husband doesn't drink, there's to be no drinking at or before the reception. SO... you're asking me to have dinner alone with a room full of people I don't know... with no alcohol? I somehow don't see that happening. I'm still going to go to the wedding, though... hopefully drag Capital City Guy along. And, uh... well, I dunno. I can't see myself going to the reception alone, though.

So I didn't work yesterday, worked today, appear to not be working tomorrow... joy. But they keep saying things are going to pick up... they've already hired 4 new people, so they must be expecting something big. This morning on my way home from Capital City Guy's place, I ran into and started talking with a guy I work with... we hadn't really talked before. But I've often seen him walking to work as I'm walking home to go get ready for work. It was kind of nice to have a brief little chat before I dodged away off towards my place while he continued on. My office is not the biggest one in the world, but it's still hard to socialize with people at all. Nature of the business, I guess.

Chatting with the Male right now... both Capital City Guy and I agree, through various different things he's said to do the two of us that we can't help but think he's starting to show signs of schizophrenia... oh, the joy. Like, I know he's severely depressed but... yeah, a couple things he said he's been feeling have been somewhat eyebrow raising, and the word "schizophrenic" did pass through my head. But then it was Capital City Guy last night who expressed his concerns to me, and brought up the word first. But there's a limit to what either of us can do, when he's way way far away.

I'm trying to replace my junk food consumption with diet pop consumption, in a vain attempt to lose a little bit of weight. The amount of weight I've put on in my thighs has officially become uncomfortable, if not painful. But it's hard because if I'm just sitting around at the computer, which I tend to do a lot, I like to be eating something. And I can't just drink water instead, because water is boring. But pop... well, pop is exciting! At least I think so, because I don't drink it as much as I used to. So... we'll see. I bought a case of Diet Dr Pepper this evening, however I think tomorrow I will have to make it my goal to buy some non-caffeinated pop... sitting here at almost 9pm sucking back one of those is probably not going to help my chances of actually being able to sleep tonight.

It's gotten to the point where every night I wake up in the middle of the night for at least an hour. Whether I'm here or at Capital City Guy's place. Part of the problem is, and this never used to be a problem for me... I ALWAYS wake up having to go the bathroom at around 2 or 3 in the morning. My bladder has gotten smaller. And if I get up in the middle of the night I have to stay up for a while, because otherwise I can't get back to sleep. And a lot of times at Capital City Guy's place I end up going back to sleep in the living room, partly because I don't want to disturb him and also because his bed just gets so frickin' hot... I will NOT be sleeping in that thing come summertime, I will fry to a crisp. I don't know what it is, the foam in the mattress or something but... gets FRICKIN' hot.

I have injured my hand somehow... It wasn't as much of a nuissance at work today as I thought it would be, however it has made it clear that it does NOT like me gripping things. It's very strange. I often have a sore carpal tunnel-type wrist that sometimes travels down into the hand, but this time... it's just my hand. I don't know what the hell.

Anyways, I'm lame and will stop writing now. Later, my pets.

2009-03-31 at 8:21 p.m.