Okay so something really awesome did happen to me since yesterday's entry. I'm as shocked as anyone. Okay... my tax return. My mom buys the software every year and I didn't have enough time to do my taxes while I was up there last, but my mom had my T4s so she did my taxes for me. She told me I was getting just over $400. I check my bank account online yesterday and on Thursday the government deposited almost 1200 bucks. That's practically TRIPLE what I was expecting. I flipped out. I told my mom and she told me not to get too excited because there might have been a mistake and I might have to give some of the money back because that was a huge difference and, especially since my taxes are easy peasy cuz it was just a couple T4s and my student loans. However, I still figure at least 400 of that is rightfully mine and the rest is probably legit, so I took Capital City Guy out for a nice dinner last night, then just had a $130 shopping spree at Wal-Mart. Which is huge for me, I can't remember the last time I dropped that much money at once. It's been years. So... yeah. Woot.

Bought a new straightening iron and blow dryer because I figure if I'm going to continue frying my hair on a regular basis, I might as well do it with nice looking equipment that might perhaps cause less damage than what I'm using now. So I'm pretty stoked. And, yeah, bought some makeup... some toiletries... hair clips... snackies... I'm pleased. Pleased as punch.

Oh yeah, so last night's plan to have drinks with the cute awkward guy and his big blonde fiancee didn't happen, because the blonde was tired and she has her man whipped enough that he opted to stay home with her. So after Capital City Guy and I had our nice dinner, he bought us a 12 pack and we drank at his place. He played his STUPID video game and I went back and forth between reading my Harry Potter book and staring at Facebook waiting for something to happen. It was good times and I got pretty wasted, what with the 5 beer I had, the double G&T at dinner, and the Vodka Rockstar I decided to buy while he was getting the beer. No hangover today, though, so I was impressed.

Anyways, dunno what I'm doing for the rest of my evening. Or tomorrow, for that matter. Read, I guess. Clean... sleep... yes. Good times.

2009-03-29 at 6:48 p.m.