
So Operation: Kick Ass Birthday was a success. First of all, you know what Capital City Guy gave me for a birthday present? A COMPUTER. Slightly used, mind you... when he lost his mind a few months ago and ended up buying that little laptop to replace his PC only to regret it a week later... he gave it to me. I was fully intending to buy it off of him... this laptop here is on its way out and my computer needs are much more simple than his, I just use my computer for the internet and storing music, so it's a fine little machine for me. And now it's mine. Only thing is I can't get it to connect to my wireless network. But this isn't exactly surprising.

The weekend in Nutty McShitville was good. My parents, while not the friendliest people in the world, did treat Capital City Guy really well. They even bought him a movie as a "Thanks for bringing our daughter up" gift, and treated him to a few meals. And going out Saturday night was so much fun... my friends all liked him and he liked them and we all got plastered. The bar we went to, they had a special on jello shots and whoo dog... I personally ended up having 5, and I think everyone else had at least 2 or 3. I got reallllly drunk... Capital City Guy and I were the last of the group to leave the bar and that was about the time that details start getting really hazy. We ended up at McDonalds and then we broke my parents rules by sleeping in the same room. We both felt guilty about that later, though. It was kinda sad.

We left early Sunday afternoon... and I didn't have a hangover at all which is a bloody miracle... we stopped in Cracktown briefly to visit his parents. We first met up at the mall, because that was where they were, then we decided to just go to their house to chat there and on the way out of the parking lot, Capital City Guy rear ended them. He was mortified that he just rear ended his own parents. No real damage was done, though... their truck was absolutely fine and his car just had a scratch on the bumper and the licence plate got kind of bent. All's well that ends well. But that just, like, defined Capital City Guy's awkwardness right there.

I spent a few hours at home on Sunday night before Capital City Guy called me and asked if I wanted to come over... apparently a weekend together but with no sex made him feel extremely pent up, and I had to agree. So I spent the night then the next morning I didn't have to work, and Capital City Guy woke up feeling really sick, so he ended up not going to work either and the two of us just hung out there all day. He played this really stupid video game for, no word of a lie, 9 hours straight while I napped A LOT and during brief breaks from my constant napping, played around on his computer and ate large amounts of food. Then I ended up spending the night again. And it wasn't exactly the best night ever, since I had spent most of the day asleep.

I worked today, and the vibe is weird... it's been getting progressively weirder for a while now and today I finally realized what the cause of it may be. I think my supervisor may be retiring and one of her backups is getting ready to take over. Now I don't know this for sure and no one is talking, but with a lot of the things I've witnessed lately it appears to make sense... So I dunno. I'll wait and see what happens.

Giggles continues to become more and more screwed up. She finally moved out of her crackhouse into what sounded like a good place in a nice neighbourhood with only one roommate... she moved in on the weekend and is moving out today. Apparently she doesn't feel comfortable there. She didn't go into detail why. So she called last night asking me to look up weekly hotel rates and phone numbers for her. So I did that, then she called back later and said she's just going to be staying at her boyfriend's friend's place instead. I guess she's planning on finding a new place for the beginning of April now. I don't have a lot of faith in her, the way things are going. And I don't understand... she doesn't feel comfortable there?! She just spent 7 months literally living in a crack house with 11 male roommates, many with criminal records, in a very sketchy part of town... and she doesn't feel comfortable in her new, normal house. Somehow it does not compute.

I really really don't know what I'm doing wrong with trying to get my new computer to connect to the wireless network. I keep playing around with it. I set up the settings to match what this computer has. The network key is correct. The computer detects the network. I have it set as my preferred network. But... no dice. This also does not compute with me. Oh, my poor brain.

Anyways, enough of me. I might lay down for a bit, then go buy some groceries.

2009-03-17 at 4:21 p.m.