Go Shorty! It's Your Birthday!

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to me! And many morrrrrrrrrrre!

*ahem* Anyways... so the newest drama that doesn't involve me at all but I get to hear about it and then pass it on to you... Okay, the girl that the Male met while he was here and really liked... she had a movie night at her place that the Female and Capital City Guy went to. And while this was going on, I was chatting with the Male on MSN... and Capital City Guy was apparently sending him a bunch of texts like "Oh my god, I don't believe this... I have to call you when I get home" so the Male was becoming increasingly concerned about what was going on.

When I talked to Capital City Guy just now on the phone, he filled me in. Apparently her place is disgusting, a total health hazard... and she has a little boy who was eating stuff off the floor and all this... there were a lot of not nice details. So Capital City Guy said to the Male "I have to say something to her... either that or call Social Services on her, because that is not a safe enviroment for her child." So the Male was like "Let me talk to her about it." And I guess he did last night right after he got off the phone with Capital City Guy, then his status on Facebook from late last night highly implies that it did not go over well... something about him needing to learn when to keep his mouth shut. Apparently he's going to call Capital City Guy later to tell him what happened. Should be interesting. I love drama that doesn't involve me.

But yeah, it's true that the Male does need to learn to keep his mouth... oooh, he pissed me off bad last night. We were talking about this movie night thing, and how I don't know this girl at all but probably Capital City Guy should have invited me as just a nice thing to do, despite the fact that I would have said no anyway... and he agreed with me on this... but then he was like "You know, it wouldn't hurt you to make some friends outside of the circle. I know you're shy and all that, but it would be good for you." I. FLIPPED. OUT. "I have friends outside of the fucking 'circle'. What the fuck makes you think I don't have friends?" And he started listing reasons, which I didn't read too closely because I could tell it was full of assholeish-ness from what I did see. Stuff about how I'm shy, how he's never met any of them, how I don't talk about them, etc. So I informed him that I do have friends, am starting to make efforts to meet more people here, and that he's a fucking asshole and shouldn't assume shit about me. And he did apologise quite profusely. But yeah that rubbed me in all the wrong ways. BECAUSE... being shy isn't too much of a factor for me, because I'm not alllll that shy and people tend to think I'm really sweet and nice and stuff, so I tend to be well received by others. He hasn't met any of them because I only lived here, like, 3 months before he moved away and friends like Giggles... well, they don't much care for Capital City Guy. And I KNOW I have talked to him before about Giggles, at least. So I did not much care for his ignorance.

Work today was good... short day, though. Work is drying up again. Don't know yet if I'm going to be working Monday. But oh well. Capital City Guy and I are leaving for Nutty McShitville in an hour and a half or so. Should be good times and such and whatnot. Either that or a disaster. Expect to hear all about it later, because you will.

My hair is so fucking dry, I'm going insane. I've used, like, half a bottle of my anti-frizz cream, which usually leaves my hair rather greasy, but it's just sucking it up. And I haven't washed my hair with shampoo at all since I got it dyed... does not FRICKIN need it with how dry my hair and scalp are. I conditioned it last night and... same thing, it just sucked it right up. I am not impressed. I mean, I've bleached my hair before and it did not react to this degree. That must have been some harsh FUCKING bleach they put on my head. I have a feeling I'm going to have to get a major haircut soon.

Anyways, enough of me. Hope you enjoy my birthday, I'll talk to you soon.

2009-03-13 at 1:26 p.m.