I Have Never Felt More Normal And Stable In My Entire Life

Okay so Friday night was my big romantic evening with Capital City Guy. It was quite amazing. I got dressed up and made my way over there... and was greated by a very very handsome man in a nice suit who gave me a dozen roses and a box of chocolates. I'm currently eating some of those chocolates for breakfast. Anyways, we went off to this nice restaurant for dinner... the food was great, we had wine, some interesting conversations took place, and I was sitting there all gobsmacked at how goddamn well he cleans up... then after dinner on the way home we stopped to buy another bottle of wine, then back to his place to watch a movie. It was an amazing night.

Saturday was off to the Big City. Thing 1 continues to spiral out of control. She has such a problem and I wish I knew what to do but... I just don't know. She ended up getting completely HAMMERED, whereas I only had 4 drinks over the span of 6 hours so I didn't even have a buzz on. Alcohol hasn't been nice to me lately, it's best for me to take it slow. Anyways, we mostly just hung out at her place but for a little while we went to a local pub where she ran into this guy she used to date... she ditched me for close to half an hour to go make out with the guy, then for the rest of the evening she cried and whined about how running into him was by far the worst thing that could have happened ever, because now she'll be all obsessed with him again. I got pretty tired of hearing about this.

Anyways, a new lowest of the low... I already told Capital City Guy and Giggles about this, even though this would be embarassing for Thing 1... and I feel kinda bad but I just had to tell someone because I could not believe what was going on. She was on the computer, I wandered out of the room for a minute and when I got back in, she was sitting there pissing herself. And it was a lot. I just stood there staring, I didn't even know what to say. Eventually I choked out "Are you okay?" and she was like "Yeah, why?" And I was like "Uh... just wondering." In retrospect I could have handled this situation better, like perhaps letting her know what she was sitting there doing, but it's like... how DRUNK do you have to be to be sitting there conscious and not realize you're pissing yourself? I mean, it's one thing if you're sleeping or passed out... but you're AWAKE you are SITTING THERE how can you not FEEL THAT?! She was, I swear, the drunkest I had ever seen her. Then a couple minutes later she was like "I have to pee... but I feel like I just did." Then half an hour later "I think I might have peed somewhere in my house..." and I was just like "Yeah. Yeah you did."

Then a bit later she decided she was hungry and ordered a shitload of food for pickup at a local restaurant. So we end up going there and she is just all over the place, like this was staggering to a whole new level. And I'm trying to follow her because I don't know the area at all and... it was just bad. So we finally get there and the restaurant is closed, so she starts freaking out and screaming and banging on the doors until eventually someone comes and we get the food. So we bring it back to her place and eat, and she starts talking about how she's just going to throw it back up later because she's fat and ugly and eating is evil... and by this point it's about 3:30 in the morning, I'm ass exhausted, and getting pretty fed up with her issues and her severe drunkenness and how she just will not pass out, so I go to bed. I get to sleep and she stumbles in, wakes me up, scares the shit out of me, and makes me come downstairs to find her cigarettes for her. Which were in her jacket like they usually are.

So needless to say, this wasn't the best experience of my life. But oh well, it was interesting. Gave me something to write about just now. Work has slowed down again... didn't work Friday and I'm not working today either, unless they end up frantically calling me in, but I'm not holding my breath on that one. I don't even want to go to work today anyway, I need a day of rest after that weekend. Hopefully things pick up tomorrow or later in the week, though.

2009-02-16 at 9:00 a.m.