At Least My Mom Is Okay!

My mom got out of the hospital this evening, yay!! She called me earlier tonight... she sounded kind of funny, mainly because she has to have a plug in her nose for a couple more days, but she's happy to be home. She said the past few days have been hell, but everyone at the hospital was very good to her. So I'm glad. Now she has to take it really easy for a while to make sure that doesn't happen again. However, apparently hemmorhaging isn't uncommon with this kind of operation... so how come no one ever told her that was a possibility? And why did they have to transfer her to another hospital to be able to take care of it? Crikey. Oh well, what's done is done.

Roomie... continues... to... be... creepy. I flipflop on whether or not I should be concerned. I'm trying to gradually phase myself out of his life again, because it's become more than apparent that he's latched on to me in a rather unhealthy way just because I was showing an interest in him as a human being. So he sent me a message Monday night saying that he was trying to think of a Valentine's present for me and decided he'd like to buy a huge bouquet of flowers for my mom and sent them to her, from me. Which is a sweet idea, granted, but I pretty much flat out told him no. For just so many reasons, I just did not want him doing that. I said if I send her anything, it's NOT going to be flowers (she's the daughter of a florist... she ODed on flowers decades ago) and it's going to be something that I buy myself. Plus, I just don't want him buying me any kind of Valentine's Day gift. He also said that if I needed to go back to Nutty McShitville this weekend that he'd rent a car and drive me there. And... no. Just no. First of all, not going there this weekend. Secondly, Capital City Guy offered to drive me up there too if I needed to go and he actually owns his own car, and isn't a psycho creep. So guess which one I'd choose.

Oh, and he asked me to go see a movie with him last night, but I already had plans to hang out with Capital City Guy. Also if I didn't have plans, I would have created something. He's taking too much of an interest in my life, he's buying me too much stuff, he's always wanting to do things for me... It's really really offputting. I'm supposed to go out for dinner with him tomorrow night... I'm contemplating whether or not I should. Capital City Guy doesn't think I should and that's not because he's jealous, it's because he's starting to worry that Roomie is becoming obsessed with me and every time I do something with him or accept something from him, he sees that as winning my affection. If I do go, I'm going to lay down the law first, though... he's not paying for me and I'm not accepting any more gifts from him.

He admitted that he bought the Wii mostly for me, and the Wii Fit entirely for me. That's a lot of money just right there. And it's not like he makes a crapload of money or anything.

Anyways, so I need to think about this. But in other news, I'm going out for a romantic dinner with Capital City Guy on Friday night, in lieu of going out on Valentine's Day since I'm going to be in the Big City with Thing 1. I'm kind of excited, it's not like a suuuuuuper classy restaurant or anything that we're going to, but it's nicer than what we usually do and we're going to dress up... him in his suit and me in my little black dress that I've never worn out in public. Provided it still fits my fat ass. Hmm, I should maybe try that on tonight or tomorrow so I have time to come up with a Plan B, if necessary. But anyways, should be good, should be good. And I bought him a Valentine's Day gift today... chocolate body pens. Could be fun.

And yeah, my big night with Thing 1 in the Big City went from "We're going to all the trendy clubs downtown!" to "Eh... let's just maybe go to the local pub for a drink or two, then come back to my place and sit around in sweatpants and talk". I definitely prefer her new plan. I think she's come to realize that I'm not much of a clubber. Even in my craaaaaaazy days, I've always preferred a pub to some fuckin' dance club or whatever. So, yeah, hopefully this should be good. We will see. This is also provided I don't get my ass lost on my way to her place. The Big City transit system scares the ever loving shit out of me.

Well, enough of me for tonight. I might just pack it in early, I'm pretty tired.

2009-02-11 at 8:23 p.m.