Christmas Was A Success

I am now back... a better human being with shorter hair.

My trip to Nutty McShitville was good. And oooh, the night before I left I, of course, went over to Capital City Guy's place so we could exchange gifts and you know what he got me? A pink Nintendo DS. I was very surprised. A while ago, when he went through that phase when he was convinced he was going to give up gaming altogether, he said he'd give me his old DS. But then he kept on putting it off, and I lost hope. He said he didn't feel right giving me a second hand one, so he bought a new one instead and it's pink and quite pretty.

Then, yeah, the actual trip to Nutty McShitville sucked (and I hate Greyhound) but once I was there... pretty much non-stop good times and I did not want to leave yesterday. I hung out with Prince Albert a couple times, and a whole group of us including Giggles and Chuckles and our token foreign friend went out for UFC Saturday night. That was interesting. I didn't want to go but I went because Giggles said Chuckles was going and I hadn't seen her yet... and apparently Chuckles only went because Giggles told her I was going. Sneaky. But yeah it was okay times, could have been worse... Giggles almost drunkenly punched a guy but the important thing is she didn't. And apparently when her and Chuckles went out for a smoke she started bad mouthing me, which I was originally going to call her on when Chuckles told me later, but then I thought... I've made a career of bad mouthing that girl. I guess she can bad mouth me all she wants too.

And yeah I got a hair cut because my hair was just in sad shape. Got a whole lot cut off... it's about chin length now with some layers and it's all full of life and stuff. I kinda like it. Feedback has been positive too.

I got home yesterday around 5... my parents drove me as far as Cracktown and I took the bus from there... more options as to times down there. There's 6 buses a day from Cracktown to Capital City, but only 3 from Nutty McShitville. So that worked out pretty well. Then as soon as I got home I was out the door again to Capital City Guy's place... just chilled out there, because seriously it's just easier for me to chill out there than here, and I spent the night. Then this morning back here for a little nap now here I am. All dressed and ready for the day, except I can't help but notice how miserable the weather is. Well at the very least I need to go into work to pick up my cheque from last week... WHICH REMINDS ME they called me to work on Christmas Eve. And I, for the very first time, was all "No." Which is my right to do when they call last minute like that, on Christmas Eve no less. When I'm 3 hours away. Then they called me again a couple hours later "Well, did you want to come by and pick up your cheque?" Nooooo! 3 hours awayyyyyyyy. So that's why I'm going in today. HOPEFULLY I work at sometime this week, but I'm not holding my breath. I think I'm going to start job hunting. But what a bullshit time of year to do such a thing, right when hours are cut down at retail jobs so there's probably lots of people looking and not much to choose from. Bah, I hate my life.

Anyways... few more minutes and I'll head out. I need some exercise too. Aw man. I have definitely gained weight this month. Damn Christmas goodies.

2008-12-29 at 12:04 p.m.