You Are The Perfect Drug

Clearly I haven't done anything with the layout yet. Meh. Lack of inspiration, and whatnot.

So I'm home from work early. Again. I did work 3 full shifts, but Tuesday and today were only 5 hours. I wasn't expecting today to be a part day, but as soon as I walked into work this morning my supervisor looked at me with big puppy dog eyes and was like "4 hours?" And I'm like "Oh, okay. I'll take whatever I can get." Then as soon as I got to my desk, she yelled across the room "Wait wait! 5 hours." So that was slightly better. I get the distinct impression that she feels bad giving me fewer hours. Although with the rest of the people, she's always all cold-like "Uh... someone will call you tonight if there's work for you tomorrow." I guess this is all part of me being a chosen one. It makes me feel good... I mean, I'm not guaranteed shit in this job, they could theoretically give me 0 hours a week because I agreed before they hired me for anything from zero to 40 but clearly I must have proven myself. That's a nice feeling.

So tonight is the Nine Inch Nails concert (which totaly gives away which city I live in if anyone reading this who doesn't already know feels like looking up where NIN is playing tonight but whatevs). I'm, like, semi-stoked. I'm admittedly not the hugest NIN fan in the world but I do like the music and have tons of admiration for Trent Reznor, so it should be good. Only thing is I'm tired cuz I spent last night at Capital City Guy's place and he woke me up when he came to bed at 1 this morning when he was rambling on about how I'm like Sarah Silverman, apparently... THAT confused me. Then it took me forever to get back to sleep. However, with me getting off work early I could theoretically take a nap before the concert but... well, I've been sucking back the tea all morning so I'm slightly caffeinated, making sleep that much more difficult. Plus I'm still deciding how gothed up I want to make myself for the concert this evening, and that could take time. Then after the concert Capital City Guy and I are going out for drinks with the cute awkward guy and his fiancee so it's gonna be a late night, I'm thinking.

I probably should attempt a nap. But aw man, my bed is completely covered in crap right now... I don't think I have the strength to move it. I don't know why I do this to myself. I'm so messy.

So every weekend up until Christmas is spoken for. This weekend is, of course, the concert and also possibly going to see strippers tomorrow night. Next weekend is a Christmas party in Cracktown that I wanna go to but I just have to figure out things like how I'm getting there and back and where I'm staying and details such as that. I've preeeetty much got it worked out but nothing is certain yet. Then, bah, I gotta go to the Big City the weekend after that to see Thing 1 cuz right afterwards she's going into the hospital. Yeeah, she's going to be in the hospital for Christmas, that's where we all wanna be. I don't want to go because I hate getting to the Big City, that place scares the crap out of me, it costs money that I don't necessarily have, and it just seems like a huge amount of effort, but I am aware that I will officially be the worst friend in the world if I don't go to see her when I've put it off this long and she has begged me to please please come visit before she goes into the hospital. So... yeah. There you go.

It's for her eating disorder, that's why she's going into the hospital for a month. And this is the 3rd time she's done this. She probably, sadly, has a whole life time ahead of her of this.

Alright, yeah, time to clear off my bed and attempt a nap.

2008-12-05 at 1:08 p.m.