Yeah, I'm Tired

I keep thinking I need to do something with the layout of this thing. I used to be half decent at doing up such a thing myself, but it's been so long and new talents have pushed those talents out of my brain... I dunno, if I get bored tonight I might attempt something or just look for a new template somewhere.

So work is starting to really die down again. I only worked 5 hours today instead of my usual 8. But it's better than not working any at all, like quite a few people. Like I'm technically a temp, like slightly over half of the people there are, but I am one of the three "chosen ones" who pretty much work as much as the permanent people do. Except for today. And possibly tomorrow. And possibly several other days until I eventually get a new and hopefully better job. Not that there's anything wrrrrong with this job. It's just that, you know... guaranteed hours would be a good thing.

So I was off work at 1, which was kinda cool. I spent most of the afternoon downtown doing some shopping for Christmas gifts and stuff to wrap them up in. Good times, good times. I'm pretty much done my Christmas shopping. Just a few more things. It seems like there's a lot of people I have to buy for this year. Life was easier when I was a hermit.

Capital City Guy took me out for a late dinner last night. If it's anyone's fault that I'm gaining weight it's his, because I have dinner at 5 then many nights I end up having dinner again at 8 with him after he's off work. Advance notice that he's planning to take me out would be good, but I'm not going to complain. Then I spent the night at his place. We drank tea and watched Family Guy, it's pretty much my idea of a good time. But I'm all kinds of tired today, of course, cuz neither of us sleep very well when I spend the night unless it's the weekend and we both sleep on and off until 1 in the afternoon.

I kinda want to do more shopping this evening, but I think I'm probably way too tired now what with last night and walking all around downtown this afternoon. So... I dunno. Maybe I'll just clean some more, have a shower, wrap some presents... fun stuff like that. Good times.

2008-12-02 at 4:40 p.m.