I'm Pretty Much Not A Huge Fan Of Being Killed

So added to running into Roomie on the stairs yesterday morning, I ran into him just outside of the building last night when I was coming back from a walk, and just now on the stairs when I was going to get my laundry. I now officially see the bastard more often outside of the apartment than in.

So... Nutty McShitville tomorrow! I can't remember if I mentioned this already, but my parents have volunteered to pick me up in Cracktown so I save some money, don't have as long of a bus ride, and actually arrive earlier than 11:30 at night. And since there's more buses that go between here and Cracktown than there are between Cracktown and Nutty McShitville... I get to leave here even earlier tomorrow! So that'll make my life even less painful still! Only thing is... the bus leaves from downtown exactly 45 minutes after I get off work. Which does cause a bit of a problem. Now, luckily my job is flexible enough that I'm allowed to start and thus leave early... so I will. My mom has said she'd reemburse me for a cab but... ehhh, I don't like cabs. So I'm gonna call Capital City Guy later after he's home from work to ask if he'll drive me. He doesn't work at all tomorrow. And if he can't or doesn't answer or whatever... well, I'll probably just start ass early and walk downtown right after work to catch the bus. Or if I do decide to take a cab, I'll still start early but not as early. And if he does drive me, I'll only start a tiny bit early. Yeah... I got it all planned up here... *taps head*

So I did eventually get my nap last night... then woke up at about 8 with a super ton of energy. So I went out for a walk. Walks for no reason alone after dark are things I tend to avoid but I had to do something. I was, like, bubbling over, it was a little ridiculous.

So I ignored all calls and texts from Giggles yesterday. She even tried calling once from the landline at the place she lives, but I recognized the number... one time she did manage to fool me by doing that, though. It probably sounds horrible that I'm doing this, but both Chuckles and my mom agree that it's probably a good idea. Nobody thinks that Giggles is going to react well when she finds out that Chuckles and I are planning on living together... she does have a tendency for violence and my mom is concerned. I was like "Yeah, well she doesn't have to know where we end up living..." and she was like "Yes, but she knows where you live and work right now. It'll probably be best keeping things really quiet for as long as you can." All that makes Giggles sound like the bad person, not me. I don't want her in my life anymore, I'm sick of her crap and hearing about and witnessing all of her stupidity. And I'm tired of a part of me always being terrified of her. I don't need that.

So ADD lost his job... again... so he's back to being both homeless AND unemployed. Apparently his parents are now disowning him for this. For not being able to get his life together, they said. Which I can understand because as far as I can tell, the guy is a complete fuck up... but it's harsh too. Unnecessarily so. So now it's unclear as to whether or not him and Giggles will be able to get their own place, if he has no money coming in. So this is all very interesting. Everyone else's lives are just slightly more interesting than mine is.

So, yeah, off to Nutty McShitville tomorrow! I'll most likely be back Monday night... so I'll write about my adventures sometime early next week. You'll all be on the edge of your seats with anticipation, I'm sure.

2008-10-09 at 5:38 p.m.