Leave. Me. Alone.

Hmm, lemme see here... so what have I done since I last wrote? Besides mellow out and start thinking semi-rationally again. Well... spent Sunday night with Capital City Guy. Good times were had. Back to the grind Monday morning... work is sucking ass this week. And I've been blowing off or attempting to blow off everyone as I continue with my anti-social ways. I hung out with Giggles last night cuz it had been almost 2 weeks and she was starting to get a little pathetic. But I left pretty early. But, yeah, I had plans with two people tonight... blew off both of them.

First of all... anyone remember the guy simply known as Guy because he wasn't interesting enough for a more interesting nickname, Thing 2's ex-boyfriend who I hooked up with a few times about a year ago in Cracktown? Yeah. He lives in Capital City now. And he wants to hang out. And I don't know why. But I said I'd do something with him today but... no. I told him last night that I couldn't do anything tonight because yesterday the female of the former loveless bickering couple wanted to do something and I agreed and I would rather hang out with her than him... even though I'm still on the fence as to whether or not I like her at all. But then after work I texted her and told her I couldn't do anything tonight afterall because I was just too tired.

And why am I too tired? Spent the night at Capital City Guy's place. I went there after I left Giggles, he wanted to see me. But neither of us slept well and whenever one of us got to sleep the other would end up waking them up. He woke me up twice yelling at me for stealing the blankets. And I apparently woke him up by stealing said blankets. Although I swear up and down that I don't do this to the exaggerated point that he claims and if I do do it at all, it's because he does it too. So, yeah, after he yelled at me the second time for that, he stormed off into the living room, got the blanket from in there and brought it into the bedroom and laid down on the floor. I was a little put off by this. A few minutes later, though, he got back into bed... but I was kinda mad at him for being so mean, so I didn't want anything to do with him. But I apologised for accidently stealing the blankets and he apolgised for purposely being a bastard and... yeah. Then soon after that I had to get up to come home then go to work.

On my way up the stairs this morning I ran into my roommate as he was heading to work... and I was actually a little embarassed by this. Although I'm sure he's realized by now that there's usually 2 or 3 nights a week that I do not spend at home. But I dunno, it was just kinda awkward. But then most run ins with him usually are.

I'm a little bit irritated cuz Chuckles is making all these plans for Saturday night for us without even asking "Hey, you free to hang out Saturday night?" I mean... I am free. But still. It's the principle of it. Although she's seriously thinking of moving to Capital City and... well, I would be roommates with her. Unlike Giggles, she has her shit together and isn't a complete moron. And I just want out of this place. I'm even considering, despite this being a really stupid idea in the monetary department, of trying to get a place by myself. I'm sick of this living arrangement... it blows and it makes me unhappy. I want to either live by myself or have a roommate who is my friend and I feel comfortable around, but who will also leave me alone. So... yeah. I'm thinking about stuff. Only thing is, my new place would absolutely have to be with no exceptions in this part of town. I love this part of town, it's convenient, not too sketchy and close to work. I ain't leavin'.

I should be sleeping but I'm so wired on caffeine right now that it just ain't gonna happen. I was actually kinda jittery at work today because of it. I downed two Rockstars this morning, then had a couple Diet Pepsis this afternoon. I'm very tired... BUT VERY VERY AWAKE.

So tonight belongs to the Emu. I am pleased. I hope I can nap soon.

2008-10-08 at 5:05 p.m.