I Really Really Really Like My Alone Time

So on Thursday I sent Capital City Guy a message on Facebook all like "Did you wanna see strippers this weekend? I wanna see strippers this weekend. Let's go see strippers this weekend." And he was all "Eh... I'd like to, but I'm done with drinking and spending money. Let's just do something else together."

So I went over last night and he cooked me dinner... he called it an omelette but it was more scrambled eggs with a bunch of stuff thrown in... but I liked it. A little heavy on the peppers, but good. A guy cooking for me is hot. Then we basically just sat around staring at eachother for a while. Then I started to get, like, quite agitated that nothing was happening... he commented that I looked like I was on a verge of a meltdown... and I was just all "I can't sit here anymore. I need out. I need to go for a walk TAKE ME FOR A WALK!!!!!" Cuz I can appear as manic and crazy as I need to be infront of him now cuz I don't even care. So we went for a walk and, low and behold, ended up at the strip club where much beer and enjoyment was had. There was this really ditzy waitress who, quite literally every 5 minutes, asked us if we wanted shooters. And every time we were like "No." But then one of the times Capital City Guy was like "No, but we could use another pitcher of beer." And she was like "Oh, well I'll have to get the other waitress for you cuz I only do shooters." Like, what the hell? So him and I had a good laugh over that one.

Yeah, him and I watched the strippers... most of them were pretty good. We polished off 3 pitchers of beer... had a couple porn stars from the bar just before leaving... the shooter waitress had rubbed off on us, but we weren't going to get them from her cuz she was just too damned annoying. Then we stumbled back to his place, smoked some pot and were officially fucked up... then we started playing Rock Band. I decided I was a little bit too messed up to play guitar like I usually do, so I sang. And I kinda sucked. Then we had sex... twice... I don't know how we managed that, we were so messed... then ate taquitos... then passed out and slept until almost 1 this afternoon. Good times.

Roomie has gone to the Big City for the weekend, according to Facebook. I like how quiet the apartment is. I've mainly just been chilling out here all day since leaving Capital City Guy's place. Made a bit of a detour out to pick up the second season of Dexter and some pop and chips... and decided to make a night of those three things. Well except I'm still actually working on the first season of Dexter, but I might get into the second one tonight, I wanted it just in case. By the way, Dexter is the first show since Queer As Folk that has quite consistently left me screaming "OH MY GOD!!!!" at the TV. I've kinda missed feeling that passionately and getting that into a TV show. I've been off TV for so long. But man, that is a good goddamn show, I can't believe it took me this long to jump on the bandwagon.

Phone calls and texts from Giggles have dropped off quite significantly in the past few days. This isn't a bad thing. I think she's starting to get mad at me. She doesn't like that I'm still seeing Capital City Guy... last night she called me to see what I was doing and I said nothing cuz I wasn't feeling well... but then later I semi-drunkenly sent her a text saying I was at the titty bar with him and I haven't heard anything from her since then... cuz yeah, that probably didn't sound too good on my part. Also I kinda ignored a couple calls from her on Thursday and responded to a text message she sent asking why I didn't pick up by saying I was busy. Even though I wasn't. I'm going through a phase right now where I just want to disassociate myself from pretty much everyone and everything. And also she's just annoying... calling me up to 5 times a day to say absolutely nothing... bugs me. She's just too dependent on me. She needs to get over that, and this is really the only way to do it.

Well... might screw around on Facebook for a little bit, then get back to Dexter. It'll be a nice relaxing Saturday night for me.

2008-10-04 at 6:00 p.m.