Does Anyone Find Sarah Jessica Parker Attractive? I Mean, Really?!

My life is interesting, as always. So... Tuesday evening at Giggles' place. It only took me 45 minutes to get there, and that was using what was probably not exactly the most direct route in the world. But I didn't feel like getting lost. Sex and the City the Movie was pretty good... kinda like a two and a half hour long episode of Sex and the City. Holy crap, if I'm still single at 40, shoot me. Anyways, what was funny was that ADD watched it with us... because he wanted to be with me, not because he had any interest in the movie. Haha, he didn't like it AT ALL. Then afterwards Giggles jokingly was like "Let's watch it again!" and he was like "NOOOOOO!" and ran out of the room. It was funny. You had to be there. Then I had to go catch the bus and he walked me to the stop and waited with me and held me. Awwwwww, so sweet. He also picked a flower for me, which is currently wilting on my desk here. But I took a picture of it while it was still pretty.

Then yesterday evening I was going to walk to one of the further away malls, on my new quest of finding cute long sleeved warm shirts when Giggles called me in tears... she's been having back pain which actually sounds like kidney pain, and it was starting to seem like someone was going to have to drag her off to the hospital. So I got to the mall but I couldn't exactly enjoy browsing, so I left right away to walk to Giggles' place... stopping briefly to stare at ADD through the window of where he works. I would have said something to him, but he looked busy. But just the quick glimpse I got of him, my heart did this little fluttery thing... I must be smitten. The whole rebound thing is probably escalating those feelings.

So, yeah, I left and walked to Giggles' place... I had never walked from that mall to her place before, I really didn't have any idea where I was going... almost got lost... but made it there in a surprisingly short period of time. I love this city, it's very walkable. So I got there and she's in agonizing pain... she went to the walk in clinic earlier and she got these muscle relaxants or whatever, but she hadn't taken any yet because they had to be taken with food and she didn't want to eat. Plus she said they were too big to swallow. So I practically had to put a gun to her head, forcing her to eat and take those pills so maybe she'd stop writhing and crying in pain. Eventually she did and, low and behold, she felt better. She's like a child sometimes, I swear. Then ADD got home just intime to walk me to the bus stop and do the same thing as the previous night. Except this time I realized how obnoxious we must have been to the other people waiting. We were holding eachother and I looked up at him and was like "You're so cute." Cuz good god, you should see this guy... he is. Dictionary definition cute, total baby face that makes you go "Awww!" Then he was like "Not as cute as you!" And I was like "Nuh uh, you're way cuter!" Then he kissed me and I noticde this woman nearby looked all disgusted. Can't say I blame her.

Then today Giggles treated me to dinner as thanks for coming to look after her last night, and because her dad gave her 500 bucks last weekend for no particular reason other than that she's a spoiled litle brat. Then I went and bought season 1 of Dexter on DVD, even though it went up in price since the last time I thought about buying it. And... yeah. That's the past few days, in a nutshell.

Oh, and Capital City Guy and I have exchanged a couple of messages on Facebook... we are infact going to try and be just friends. No more "with benefits" tacked on to that, since it brings out too much of an emotional attachment with both of us. I don't know if us being just friends is going to help solve the fact that we both love eachother. But whatever. I want to be his friend, if only because he's convenient since he only lives a 5 minute walk away. We're gonna hang out... I dunno, sometime this weekend, I think. I told him to call me whenever.

Alrighty, enough of me for now.

2008-09-25 at 8:22 p.m.