Alcohol Is No Longer My Friend... And Come To Think Of It, Neither Is Thing 1

So I suppose I should write about stuff. But omigod omigod, first of all... bread + ranch dressing + spinach + shredded cheese + toaster oven = very yes.

Anyways, yeah, Friday night Thing 1 came. It started off okay and stuff but then it got progressively worse and all day Saturday I pretty much just wanted to kill her. We had vanilla vodka and Diet Coke, just like old times and... oh my god, there's a reason why I stopped drinking vodka. It KILLS me. So I got pretty plastered and drunk dialed Capital City Guy twice because this seems to be my new favourite past-time now. He came over here for a bit around 3:30 in the morning then left again when Thing 1 kicked him out... even though it was her idea that I get him over here anyway. Then... yeah. Saturday came and it was the hangover from HELL. I was so sick, couldn't eat anything, felt like I was dying... I dumped the rest of the vodka down the drain today. Never again.

So just as Thing 1 left to go back to the Big City yesterday, it was time to meet up with Giggles for UFC. I invited Capital City Guy to come too... that was a bit of a moral dilemma because ADD was going to be joining us after he was off work at 11 and Capital City Guy and ADD together just has "bad idea" written all over it. But luckily (?) I was still sooo hungover and sick by this time... I didn't even drink at all at the bar. I managed to choke down some chicken strips and fries, the first food I'd successfully eaten all day, but all I drank was Diet Coke. The thought of alcohol REPULSED me. And, yeah, I was just so fuckin' tired and hungover and cranky that after the fight Capital City Guy and I went back to his place where I pretty much immediately fell asleep, and a rather plastered Giggles went frolicking off to meet up with ADD.

Capital City Guy said something very profound yesterday and it's just so true, describes our situation to a T... "We're not very good at being in a relationship, but we're not very good at breaking up either." Cuz, yeah, look at us. Oh god, I'm just so afraid to let him go. I don't know why. I mean, I love him but I still know we are so wrong for eachother. But I love him. I love him I love him I love him. And I've felt much better and happier about how things were going since we decided we were no longer in a relationship, although one may argue that really not a damn thing has changed except for maybe the psychologicalness of feeling like we no longer have any obligations towards the other. And I felt great about this until today... today I just felt sad. But then maybe today I've just had too much time to think... I haven't done a damn thing since coming home this morning. Not a damn thing.

Oh, and I almost forgot one of the best parts of this weekend... the leak! My suspicions have been confirmed, the people upstairs are infact retards, and they have caused a leak through our apartment and the one downstairs as well. I guess the damage downstairs is much worse than here, but flood restoration people were banging on the door yesterday morning wanting to see if there was any damage here after the people downstairs called them. And, yeah, you can tell from the ceiling that there was water coming in... and apparently inside the walls are very wet so they have two large loud fans and a large loud dehumidifier going trying to dry things out. I talked to Roomie about this today on Facebook... he's coming back sometime tonight and I didn't want him to be all like "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" when he got home. The whole thing is kinda crazy. And, yeah, the people upstairs are all kinds of stupid.

So I appear to be not working AGAIN tomorrow. I applied for that job at my cousin's company, though... she says the person who's doing the hiring was pretty urgently needing someone and that the sooner I sent her my resume, the better. So, yeah, we'll see how that goes. But I also just kind of hope work picks up again because... I like my job. This is the first job I've actually really really liked. I don't want a new one, I'm so so sick of having multiple jobs every year. But, you know, life's a bitch and all that. Sigh.

2008-09-07 at 7:52 p.m.