
Dammit. So I had my computer on for a couple of days so that I wouldn't lose my internet connection, but then the damn thing spazzed out and I had to shut it off and... yeah. Now I'm using that backup really crappy signal while my computer takes the 2.5 hours it seems to take to find our connection.

Frig, it got me all excited for a second there, it looked like it was searching for the connection again but then it just came up with this one again. Although the signal is now Good instead of Low. Slight improvement, I guess.

So Giggles' former roommate just called me out of the blue... hazard of having my phone number on my Facebook profile, I guess. He all wants everyone to meet up tonight, but ADD is trying to convince Giggles to disassociate herself from him because he's just not a very good person so I think she's actually doing that... and I have Thing 1 coming to visit tonight... so none of this will likely happen. And I just didn't really know what to say.

So I spent last night with Capital City Guy and... yeah. Good good good times. I know I've mentioned this many times before but we have AMAZING sex. I'm glad we've decided to do the friends with benefits thing. And we still love eachother, we've talked about this... we just can't do the romantic relationship thing because there's too much crap because we're too wrong for eachother. I am just so so happy to be his friend and have the occasional romp in the sack with him. It's great.

Oh, by the way... not working again today. Clearly. When I went into work yesterday to pick up my paycheque my supervisor apologised profusely and promised to call as soon as work picked up. But there's a limit to how long I can wait. My cousin, who works fairly high up at a local company, e-mailed me with a job opportunity there that's come up and is still only posted on the inside. So I'll try for that, even though it doesn't sound all that great... the pay is pretty decent, though. And Capital City Guy e-mailed me with a job posting at his work... I'm quite quite underqualified but he says I should try for it anyway and the pay is quite goddamn amazing. So, yeah, at least there's a certain amount of networking going on, which is good. I'm sure if I have to, I'll be able to find something relatively decent.

Giggles just sent me a text message saying she'll call me in a couple minutes. Frig. Do you know how many times that girl called me yesterday? Five. Five goddamn times she called me. Do you know how much I hate talking on the phone? Quite a lot. That is why they invented text messaging, for people like me. Yesterday I was literally thisclose to wanting to change my phone number. She needs to leave me alone. I love her, but one phone call a day is really all that is necessary.

I wanna go shower now but I have to wait for her call so... yeah. Bah. So hopefully it's good times with Thing 1 tonight... for sure I will write about this later.

2008-09-05 at 11:34 a.m.