Not So Unexpected Day(s) Off

So I can connect to Roomie's router again except the connection really sucks ass. And I can't connect to that other signal before anymore that was much more reliable because it's now secured. So... dammit.

So... Emu has the day off tomorrow. I have mixed feelings about this. And, yeah, it still stands that if I get no phone call tomorrow evening saying come in on Thursday, I'm off to Nutty McShitville on Thursday morning. And it will be glorious.

Debating whether or not to call Capital City Guy to talk to him about stuff... he's not off work for over two hours yet, though, and I'm sure he'll need his wind down time so I'm sure if he's even willing to make some time for me it won't be until, like 10. I still don't really know what I'm going to say, but I really do have to say something to him.

So this evening I'm thinking I'm going to go and buy various frozen foods because frozen foods are my friend. I'm eating some frozen brussel sprouts right now. Yes, I'm one of the few who likes brussel sprouts. Then I'm probably gonna chase that with a frozen corn dog. I had one for breakfast too... so tasty. And... yeah. I think this sounds like a plan. It'll be exercise too, and this is good.

And, yeah, that's probably what I should spend most of tomorrow doing too. Exercising. I said I'd go see Giggles' at work and we'd do something after, because we were originally going to do something tonight but she feels kinda sick and I feel kinda like not hanging out with her. So... yeah. I'm such a horrible friend sometimes. Even after she went out and bought me a new pair of earrings that looked exactly like one of the ones I lost sometime on Friday night. She gave them to ADD to give to me yesterday. She's a good person. Much better than I am.

I need that corndog now. Shit, I hope the connection doesn't conk out again while I go microwave it. Okay, let's see...

Hmm, well the little icon there still says it's connected, so that's a good sign. Doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it's a good sign. And I gots mah corn dog now. I like them with lots of mustard on them, don't you?

So I don't reeeeally know what else to say. I'll see what happens tonight, tomorrow, all that stuff... something spectacular like a messy breakup or a miraculous makeup may happen. We'll see, we'll see. I'll definitely write again before I leave, even if it's on Thursday morning that I go... unless the internet connection is fucked again, which is almost guaranteed.

2008-08-26 at 4:47 p.m.