My Life Is Super Crazy Weird And Stuff

Quick entry before I go have a shower.

So I just got home from spending 3 and a half hours hanging out with Giggles' roommate's friend... who will be called ADD cuz he's the posterchild and he'll be the first one to tell you. He's really cute and funny and he talks a lot and his mind is scattered and he's incredibly random... he's amusing, though, and he's different. We hung out at this park that has an incredible view of the city, then we went to this little coffee shop and hung out there. It was fun and stuff... yeah. I dunno, this is probably all wiiiiiildly inappropriate considering I do still have a boyfriend that I haven't broken up with yet even though I know I should and I probably will soon I just don't want to jump to any drastic decisions and... yeah. We didn't really doooo anything this time... kissed a few times and we cuddled a little while we were sitting in the park but... yeah. It's still inappropriate and Friday night was waaaaay inappropriate.

Emu is going to hell. With bells on.

I spent last night with Capital City Guy, priiiimarily out of boredom. I went over to his place and coloured while he played his newest video game and ignored me. Then we had sex then we had a fight then I went to sleep and then I left this morning without us really saying anything to eachother. Typical. The problem is... I do love the guy. I don't love what he does and I don't love what he turns me into but... I love him. So THAT'S why I'm torn. THAT'S why I can't just break up with him. And when I do break up with him I'm going to do it in the nicest possible way and hope and pray that we can still be friends. Because I love him and I want him in my life. I just don't want him to be that large of a part of my life. And I just flat out miss being single. I'm really not the relationship type. I think these past couple months have proven this.

Work today was a little scary because I was finally one of the ones told "Don't call us, we'll call you." I was essentially temporarily unemployed starting tomorrow. But then half an hour after I got off work, they called me saying "Come in tomorrow." So... yeah. However, Wednesday may not be the same deal. Depends on how much work comes in. If on Thursday I'm not working, though... I'm going to go to Nutty McShitville early for the long weekend. I'll just say screw the possibility they may need me on Friday. I need to get out of here. I need to go see my family and my cats and my friends and do some serious serious thinking about my life. What I'm going to do about my boyfriend and my job and my sanity.

Anyways... shower time, then I gotta phone Giggles with the details about my little "date" this evening.

2008-08-25 at 8:43 p.m.