Making The Bus Seem Even Worse. I Had No Idea That Was Possible.

Don't ask me why I'm awake so early. I just don't know.

Okay, so that murder and beheading that happened on that Greyhound bus in Manitoba... fuck. How physically ill does that make me feel? Normally I'm not overly affected by news stories but that one just... I dunno. Literally makes me feel sick. Just the seemingly randomness of it, the brutalness... I can't exactly put my finger on what exactly it is that has made me so upset. But that story has really really affected me.

And all that being said... guess who's gonna be on a Greyhound bus tonight? Me. I get the long weekend off, I'll go batshit insane if I stay here... yeah. My mom asked me if I wanted to come up, and I've been dyyyyyyying lately to go home, so of course I'm going. Brave the crowded-assed long weekend buses. I called Capital City Guy last night to tell him my plans, and he seemed kind of sad that he wouldn't see me again until at least Monday but he understood why I was jumping on that opportunity. We had a decent phone conversation last night... I purposely called after 9 so I wouldn't have to worry about my minutes. That guy eats up my minutes. There's been a few times when I've called him and have ended up saying "Um... please just call me back." because... yeah. Unlimited nights after 9, unlimited weekends, unlimited incoming local calls... not very many minutes otherwise. I need to make them stretch as far as I can.

So last night was relatively uneventful. Being traumatized by that decapitation story, chatting with various people about it, downloading some new music for my mp3 player... I figured with 7 and a half hours of work and a 5-ish hour bus ride I'll freakin' need it. By the way, listening to music at work... awwwwwwesome. Makes me go less insane. I still felt the insanity starting to kick in around 2pm like I almost always do, but it was not as intense as usual. And the morning somehow managed to go by even faster than usual. But my mornings usually do. I enjoy the job that I do for the majority of each morning. Afternoon... not so much. And the jury is still out on why I prefer my first project of the day compared to all others. I just do. A very sick part of me finds it almost fun. My supervisor asked me today if I was going back to school in September and when I said I wasn't, she was quite pleased... she said she's gonna teach me a whole bunch of new stuff. This is good. I hope a lot of these people go back to school and leave and I hope I'm trained to do more things... then when work starts to slow down hopefully my hours won't decrease to the point where I can't afford to live.

So as soon as I get to Nutty McShitville tonight I promised to rush off to Giggles' going away party. I'm sure I'll be dead fucking tired but it's the least I can do, especially since I was originally gonna be here on Sunday to greet her for when she first gets to town. But she'll be with her dad, so it's not huuuuge that I'm not gonna be here. But yeah I'll go to her party tomorrow night. She's not gonna tell anyone that I'm coming so I'll be, like, the craziest surprise ever. There will be tears of joy, guaranteed.

Anyhoos... I should try and get back to sleep. Fuck I haven't been sleeping well lately.

2008-08-01 at 4:23 a.m.