My Job Hunt Is Varied And Weird

My sleeping patterns are so fucked up. Like Tuesday night (Wednesday morning?) I couldn't get to sleep until, like, 3... then I was awake between 6 and 8... then I slept til 1:30pm. This is no way to live. Last night went down a similar path... I'm not quite sure what time I fell asleep... probably more like 2. And I seem to have gotten to the point where I need the damn TV on to be able to fall asleep. That isn't good. That used to be an absolutely horrible habit of mine that was hard for me to break. But it's back now, at least temporarily. God, I hope it's temporary. So, yeah, in a couple hours I'll probably be able to get back to sleep... no sleeping til 1:30 today, though. Got a lunch date with my cousin. Should be interesting. I kind of don't wanna go. But she said it would be her treat and Emu finds it hard to turn down free food.

Yesterday, while I was sleeping til 1:30, I was temporarily interupted by a phone call. A potential employer. The woman asked me if I was looking for full or part time and I answered with my typical "I'd prefer full-time, but I'd take either one" and she just like WENT OFF on me about how I immediately was not right for this job then because it was 20 hours and only 20 hours a week and she wasn't going to hire someone just to have them quit shortly after because they found full-time somewhere else. Which I understand, but this woman was HARSH about it. Then I remembered the ad for this particular job, it was the same days and hours every week, so I decided to argue back with how if I felt I needed additional income, I could easily get another part time job that worked around this one. But she didn't like that either. And that was the end of that, she was no longer interested. You want to actually make enough money to survive? NO INTERVIEW FOR YOU!

Yesterday I decided to splurge on a bus pass. They're freakin' expennnnnsive here. Like, bus fare is the same here as in Cracktown... but the monthly pass here costs 15 bucks more. Which in a way I understand cuz there's more buses, more routes, covers a larger area, etc... but it's still like "Whoa. Whoa." So I spent late yesterday afternoon, early evening, just riding the bus. Went to the university just cuz I had never actually been there and pretty much every single bus route ends up there but, yeah, not too surprisingly it was pretty dead. Then I took the bus to a couple malls... picked up a couple application forms while I was there so it wasn't a totally unnecessary trip... and, yeah.

Oh, yesterday in response to a resume I sent a potential employer, they shot back with a bunch of typing tests I had to do to prove my mad skillz. Only thing that sucked was a bunch of them were number pad tests and I have a laptop which does not have a proper number pad. So I would have been way faster if I had the proper equipment, but I still think I held my own. I hope my lack of a number pad didn't completely fuck my chances, at least. But I think I made up for any lacking on that with my regular typing, though. 88 words per minute, biotches! Ha, and I put on my resume that I was at 70 WPM. I guess I lied.

Well sir... enough of me for now. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more sleep soon.

2008-07-03 at 6:35 a.m.