The Cute Dorky Semi-Goth Girls

What? I haven't written in here yet today? Blasphemy!

Anyways... so last night I went out to buy ink for my printer, then walked around... called Capital City Guy a couple times when I was near his place but he didn't answer either time... later found out he had gone to a Rolling Stones IMAX thingie... but anyways, yeah. Last night was lonely times. But that's okay.

I'm seeing Capital City Guy tonight... we're going out to a cheap movie with a couple of his friends. These friends... they're a couple, they came over to his place once when I was there and we watched a movie... he told me later that he used to date the girl years ago. And I was all like "Whoa." Although not surprising when I think about it. This guy has banged some amazing looking women. And also this chick, his most recent ex-girlfriend who I Facebook stalk but will probably never meet, and myself all definitely have a similar look going on... I definitely see a trend. Sometimes stuff starts to make more sense.

So, yeah, today I went resume dropping at a mall... and by that I mean I dropped off 2 resumes before my soul was completely killed and I had to leave and go home and cry. It's really not an easy experience... this is why I prefer applying for jobs online. It's really quite humiliating to do it in person... no one is as pleased to see me as I think they should be. It should be seen as ME doing THEM a favour by giving them my resume... not THEM doing ME a favour by reluctantly taking it and eyeing me with suspicion. However, that being said, I do have an interview lined up for tomorrow... it's only part-time, though, so even if I get it, my hunt is far from over. But at least it's something.

I still love my free TV. Old and ugly and doesn't go high enough to get all the channels, but I still love it. I mainly blame the local cable company for putting Much Music and MTV on channels 100 and 101 respectively when they are BASIC CHANNELS. Not that I'm huge on either of those channels, but they do tend to be two channels that I watch when I can't find anything else. At least Much More Music is lower down and I can watch it. It's the superior of the 3 anyway. But, yeah. TV!!!! Oh, TV. Sweet sweet TV. Been watching the news, Daily Show and Colbert Report... tried watching Anderson Cooper 360 last night but Anderson was gone... and it's just not worth watching when he's not there. It's the man pretty that holds that show together. And... yeah. TV!!!!!

So... yeah. Interview tomorrow afternoon. I'll let you know how that goes. Hopefully it'll be at least slightly less than tragic.

2008-06-17 at 6:22 p.m.