Climb A Building, Jump Off The Building, Kill Someone, Repeat

Hey, I just got a free TV. Ah, the perks of living in an apartment building. People leave things in the laundry room or the lobby that they don't want anymore and... it's like finding treasure! Capital City Guy got, like, practically brand new computer speakers last weekend that someone left in his building's laundry room. Then today on my way in from spending the night at his place, I found a TV in the lobby. Note on it saying "Works good" which is kind of poor English, I thought. But I managed to wrestle the TV into the elevator and up to the apartment. It's an old TV... ugly as sin. And, like, because it's old... doesn't get all the channels. Like for some UNKNOWN UNGODLY REASON they decided to put Much Music on channel 100 in this city... and it's a basic channel. It should be lower. And, yeah, this TV... does not go to channel 100. But, hey. It's a TV. It was free. I can't really complain.

But yeah, spent the night with Capital City Guy. He was playing Assassins Creed, which he had just downloaded, and I was watching him and reading and eating and snooping through his stuff. Good times, good times. Followed that with some crazy hot sex. Yeah, no real complaints about last evening.

So I think I've decided to push my mall resume dropping session back yet another day. Well I was thinking... apply for some more office jobs online because part of me feels that's really the career path I should go for. Then do a test printing of something... because I bet you anything that the ink in my printer has dried up since I haven't used it in so long. So I'll have to go buy more. Then I'll have to come back, put it in the printer, revamp my resume so that it's geared towards retail... by then it'll be too late to go drop resumes off, I figure. Because I move slow. And it's Monday, so the malls close at either 5:30 or 6. But yes, I will do this! Eventually.

I should eat something then shower then try to accomplish something. Good times, good times.

2008-06-16 at 11:25 a.m.