Perhaps It's Because I've Only Gone To About 1,432,593 Job Interviews In My Life...

So the interview today went pretty well, I think. They're gonna call me on Friday... they won't necessarily know by Friday, but they'll call anyway... the whole thing is very complicated. But... yeah. At the very least I can feel good about my performance at this interview. I feel like I did my best.

Yeeeeah. And last night, the movie was pretty good. We went and saw Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay. Twas pretty funny. Well before that Capital City Guy and I grabbed dinner and took it back to his place to eat. Then we watched a bit of Da Ali G Show... then, yeah, the movie... then we went back to his place... more Ali G Show... then sleep. No sex at all, which probably isn't a bad thing. I tried to get him to do it this morning, but for once in a blue moon... HE turned ME down. He said he didn't have the energy. Oh well. No biggie. Not often that I get turned down for that. It's a little funny.

I'm pretty boring today, and I don't have much to say. Had a nice walk around downtown today... it was warm and sunny, but there was a harsh wind. It was a little brutal. And, um... I dunno. I don't know what's happening tonight, I don't know if Capital City Guy is gonna wanna do anything or not... I'll see if he calls. But I'm not gonna call him, because I don't exactly have any ideas here. Then tomorrow night I'm supposed to be going out pants shopping with a few of his friends, cuz we decided we all need pants... I dunno if he's coming for that or not because his friend made a Facebook event for it but he hasn't replied yet. And also the shopping is supposedly starting at 6 and he doesn't get off work til 7. Then he has to come home and have his mandatory Capital City Guy time... so I'm thinking he might not be coming. Oooh, hanging out with his friends without him... big step. This particular group of his friends are pretty cool, though. The loveless bickering couple and the bitter single female who he claims has a crush on him. I haven't picked up on that from her, though, but maybe I'm just dumb. She seems to have accepted me relatively well. And the bickering loveless couple are just hilarious. Good times. Good pants shopping times.

Eh, I dunno. I might have a nap now, it'll help pass the time.

2008-06-18 at 4:21 p.m.