Tempted By The Fruit Of Another...

It's like the gods are testing me or something. Testing my loyalty to Capital City Guy. Prince Albert is all kinds of throwing interesting ideas at me. He's really into the idea of the 2 guy/1 girl threesome. Which is like MY DREAM! And something Capital City Guy would never go for... I know this, cuz I've suggested it about a billion times now. Then Squinty showed up out of the blue again and was inviting me to come visit him in the Big City. And it's just... gah, these things are so tempting. But no. No. Wrong. Wrong.

I went over to Capital City Guy's place last night, basically for a booty call. And yes I realize me holding out on him didn't last very long. Still lasted a couple days, though. Anyways. Then after that we were talking and... I think a couple of the questions and my subsequent answers I gave about Prince Albert kind of freaked him out a bit. I don't think he realize just how serious I was getting about him. I think he thought we were just fooling around, but there was a lot more to it than that. Then he asked me if I was ever going to see him again as anything more than friends and I took a certain amount of offense to that... but I also understand why he asked it. And of course, I'm not going to. As much as that may pain me. Perhaps I was wrong in agreeing to a relationship with Capital City Guy when I still have so many feelings for someone else. But I usually make wrong decisions. And I also usually do everything I can to make sure my wrong decision turns out right.

Oh, and Capital City Guy also gave me a hell of a lecture last night... yesterday I applied online at a couple hotels in town, including the one that he used to work at. And he told me, after a long explanation as to why, that he forbids me from working there because he cares too much about my safety and my happiness. I guess it really is a very sketchy hotel. I'd rather find these things out for myself, though. And I told him that every hotel is probably, to a degree, like that. But he was all "I can't let you, in good conscience, work there." So, whatever. They had a bunch of openings too, so I liked my odds. But... if he feels THAT STRONGLY about it... and man, you should have heard him go off... then fine, if they call me for an interview I'll say I'm no longer interested.

Apparently it was snowing here yesterday, according to my roommate. I went out to buy some groceries... and I was gonna walk home except it was raining by the time I was done so I waited for the bus... then in the relatively short distance from the store to home it had completely stopped raining as we went along... then when I got home and I was putting away my stuff, Roomie ran into the kitchen and was all like "Did you see it snowing?!" And I'm all "What?!" I swear he mussssst be on crack, because it was probably around 10 degrees outside... too warm for snow. But he swore up and down that it had been snowing here.

I bought a small case of flavoured water yesterday. I think this has become my new addiction. I suppose there are worse things. But I dunno... flavoured water is just awesome. I would have bought a larger case except, you know... no way I could have carried it home.

Dunno what I'm doing today... well more online job hunting, I guess. Might sign up at Monster or Workopolis or one of those kinds of sites. Although I never had much success at those in the past. And, um... yeah, I dunno what else. I guess I'll see what the day brings.

2008-06-10 at 10:01 a.m.