Wow. Guess who are officially in a relationship with eachother? And by "officially" I mean "on Facebook". Yep. The big step. 7 months later. I think it came about 5 months too late, but I went with it. And I just had an extremely emotional conversation with Prince Albert on the phone because of this. So I'm all crying now. Quite a bit. But he told me he's not going anywhere and if Capital City Guy does anything to upset me or hurt me he's gonna come down here and kick some ass. And that just made me cry more. What fucking timing Capital City Guy has, to finally make this decision at this point when I also have this other guy I care about so much. And part of me wonders if he did this because he thought he'd lose me to him if he didn't... but I dunno. I dunno. I'll give this a try.

Uggggggh, I need to stop crying now. Most people don't cry when they get a boyfriend.

Anyways, something else that made me cry... do you have any idea how goddamn much the Morning After Pill is? I didn't. I thought maybe 10 or 15 bucks... BUT NO! BUT NO! After taxes... 35 bucks! For two tiny little pills that I didn't even really need because I knew I wasn't going to get pregnant. But Capital City Guy really wanted me to do it, so I did. And he's going to pay me back. And I also made him buy me beer and cookies last night for my trouble.

Last night Capital City Guy and I watched Walk Hard with a couple of his friends. Oh my god, that was a fantastic movie. So goddamn funny. Pretty sure I'm gonna have to buy it... after I get a job. Whenever that may be. I'd be more likely to get a job if I actually started applying places. But whatever. So I took a week to do nothing. Next week I can crack the whip on myself.

I wanna go do something today. Jump on the bus and hit up one of the further away malls. But I want a shower first. Then that shower is probably gonna make me tired, so I'll need a nap. Then after I wake up from my nap I'll be hungry, and I'll have to eat. Then by the time I actually get to the mall it'll probably be closed. So I dunno, I dunno.

Know what I love, though? Crying in the shower. I think I'm gonna have to do this. I dunno if Roomie is home right now... I can't tell. It looked like there was a pair of shoes missing from by the door, though, so maybe he's gone. Either way, though, I probably shouldn't go too hysterically wild crying in the shower. Makes me sound crazy.

2008-06-07 at 10:18 a.m.