I'm In The City Now, Boy!

That's kind of a weird microwave. Like, there's a dial instead of numbers on it... so I was staring at it trying to figure it out. I turned the dial a little... and it was on 5 seconds. So I turned it a bit more... then all of a sudden it was at 11 minutes. Neither were satisfactory to me. Finally I got it to the right time... then after it was done it told me to enjoy my meal. Like... I've seen microwaves that have said "Enjoy" but never "Enjoy your meal". I took offense to this. How does it know it's a meal? Mind you, in this case it was a meal but still. If I'm ever microwaving something smaller and it actually says "Enjoy your snack" I will freak out. The microwave knows too much.

So I never saw Roomie at all yesterday. I heard him... but never saw him. Eh. Thing 1 and I were texting about this yesterday, because she just recently got into the whole having a roommate thing for the first time as well. She said she was expecting it to be like on Friends and was kind of disappointed to find out they don't hang out and do everything together. I was expecting it to be more like The Odd Couple... and actually there's still time, because I'm going to do a complete scrub down of the bathroom today. That spray on after taking a shower stuff is clearly not cutting it. And I really don't like the way he has the kitchen organized, but I probably shouldn't do anything about that. Otherwise I really will be Felix-ish.

Although he did say when I first met him that he would prefer a female roommate because he thought the place was lacking a certain feminine touch... I'm so tempted just to go wild to see if he says anything.

There's too many goddamn fucking sirens on this street. Just thought I'd say. I was also amazed at how late the buses were running last night considering it was Sunday. Freakin' 11:30 and there were still buses going by. I was all like "Whoa!" I'm too used to them ending at, like, 6:00 on Sundays.

So no contact with Capital City Guy at all yesterday after I left his place yesterday morning. I thought about calling him last night... but then didn't. And he probably figures I need time by myself since I'm apparently getting so bitchy towards him. So what I figure I might do is call him sometime today while I know he's at work and leave him a message, saying if he wants to do something tonight to give me a call. See what happens.

I have a giant hickey on my neck right now. I briefly caught a glimpse of it on Saturday when I walked by a window and saw my reflection... but I thought I was just seeing things. My hair has been mostly covering it. But then yesterday I had my hair in a ponytail and looked in the mirror and... yeah, it's pretty unsightly. I don't recall giving Capital City Guy permission to suck on my neck. I'm not overly impressed. This is seriously my first hickey ever because... yeah, they're so dumb. So very dumb.

I need to go buy some more stuff today. I'll probably walk to the mall with the store of my choice in it then take the bus back, like I did on Friday. And hoooooooly shit, okay some of the transit buses here are double decker and on Friday when I took the bus, I was on one of those for the first time. I was like a little kid, I ran up to the top and was plastered to the window for the entire trip. IT'S SO COOL! I WANNA RIDE ON ONE AGAIN!

*ahem* Yeah, enough of me for now.

2008-06-02 at 10:16 a.m.