My Life, I Tells Ya. MY LIFE!

I don't find myself missing my stats as much as I would. I do, however, hate this boring-assed template. I think after having the Emu one for YEARS it was due for a change, so I'm not particularly devistated about losing those graphics, but... yeah. I gotta find something different than this.

So... that guy from Saturday night kept sending me messages last night, to get me to come over to his place to watch a movie. Haha. I dunno, I dunno. I dunno if I even wanna get involved. Although the prospect of a pierced penis still intrigues me more than I wish it did.

Work today was BRUTAL. I started at 9, and was the only one on the floor until 1:30. I tried to get the cashier supervisor to cover me so I could take a break at 11:30, because they do that if no one else is available, but she couldn't so I had to wait until my supervisor came in at noon so she could watch the floor. However, floor supervisors don't actually, like... take customer service calls or anything like that. Nor do they like doing that. So I got the impression I got my supervisor's day off to a horrible start by requesting that she do such a thing for me. She didn't talk to me all day after that. I was really hoping she'd comment about all the friggin' work I've done in my department these past few days but... nope. Not a word. I really don't know if I want to use her as a reference anymore, she's so damn hard to read... I dunno if she'd even say anything nice.

I had this one customer today... frig. So depressing. "Oh, they don't make things like they used to. Everything is so expensive and it falls apart so quickly. I hope I die soon. I don't want to keep living in a world like this." I'm not even kidding. She went on for about 10 minutes and after she finally left me, I pretty much wanted to go hang myself, she had bummed me out so much.

Last night I was talking to 345 Guy and we got into this huge discussion... we have differing opinions on relationships and stuff. Like, he's gone out with this girl 3 times now and because of that we can't talk about certain things anymore now that he's "seeing someone" and how it's morally wrong to be interested in more than one person at a time... like, not just seeing more than one person at a time but even THINKING in a certain way about someone when you're seeing someone else. First of all... any guy who started talking like that after only going out with me for 3 times would FREAK the HELL out of me... well actually, that did happen with Fish... and he did indeed FREAK the HELL out of me. "We're together now, right?" "Um... no... we've only gone out three times." But anyways... maybe I've been getting too into the idea of polyamory lately, but I thought he was being really really extreme. And then he thinks I'm being morally wrong all over the place. Then he forbid us from ever speaking of relationships to eachother ever again because it's a form of betrayal towards his little girlfriend there. I mean, I'm all about relationships and monogamy and love and stuff but... come on.

But then when I got into that fight with Capital City Guy about his ex-girlfriend, I said that he must have been lying about loving me if he was still in love with her. Then as soon as I said it, I realized how ridiculous it was and I apologised. Although I'm still a little bitter about that. But unless you've found your TRUE LOVE... I think it's natural and normal, albeit brutal, to have feelings for more than one person at once.

Enough of my rambling now.

2008-05-20 at 5:46 p.m.