Quit Being So Much Like Me. It Makes Me Not Like You.

Bah. Gah. Freakin' Capital City Guy. I mean, even though I am the queen of doing this myself, he basically just blew me off in favour of being anti-social. He came on MSN and I was all excited because we didn't get a chance to talk last night. And he was just like "My friends are all flaky. It pisses me off. Now I just want to go get beer and Wendy's and play video games." And wishful me was all like "You wanna talk to me first, though, right?" And he said "I don't want to talk to anybody right now. I'm feeling really anti-social." And that was basically it. It left me feeling a little burnt. Even though, I mean... how often do I do that to people? Lots. But still. Deeenied.

I'm more just disappointed because I wanted to talk to him. But... wasn't meant to be yet again tonight, I guess. Have I mentioned how long distance sucks ass? Once I live in Capital City (if I move... and still nothing is even remotely for sure yet) at least I can call him or go over or something and I don't have to rely on the annoyingness that is trying to communicate with him on MSN.

Work today was on-off shittiness. Tomorrow will probably be much of the same. Well... at least it's my weekend off, and I'm pretty excited. Giggles' birthday party is on Saturday, and it should be really good times. Chuckles and Giggles have made up, so Chuckles will be there. As well as some other people. We're going to the bar to watch the UFC fight then afterwards there's some local band playing that Giggles' really likes. And her ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago is coming up from Capital City, and they're hoping to rekindle their former romance. Hopefully that works out well for them. And... yep. Yep yep yep. I still don't know what to get Giggles for a present, though. But I guess there's still a bit of time to find something.

One co-worker today basically gave me shit for not doing enough. I don't know what the hell else they expect from me. I'm giving it my all. I mean, I'm not the first one to jump at answering customer phone calls and stuff but I'm not like the other floor people, I have more stocking responsibilities than they do. It's just like... let me know when you have 3 massive skids of stock that you have to process and find room for, then I'll start answering every call. Otherwise I only do it if no one else does it first. And I think I'm justified in that. Because otherwise, none of my shit gets done.

Anger rising. She wasn't even supposed to be in today, but yet she was. And my supervisor wasn't supposed to be in today either, so it was gonna be good times. Except my supervisor came in to do some shopping, and was hanging around long enough to make me feel like an idiot. I didn't much like that.

So I'm in a super shitty mood right now. I'm almost tempted to just crawl into bed.

2008-04-17 at 8:21 p.m.