I Could Easily Do Without This Crap

I seem to have this horrible habit lately of being so tired that I fall asleep at 8 or 9... then I'm wide awake at 1 or 2 and I don't know what to do with myself. I really hate this.

I also hate the fact that just now my keyboard decided not to work. Like, I've had that happen with desktop computers before... but not a laptop. It was a little bit concerning. So I had to restart the thing, then the keyboard was working again. I didn't like it at all.

Anyways... my day off. Relatively uneventful. Got absolutely nothing accomplished... you know, I still haven't done my taxes. Which is stupid, because I almost definitely have money coming back to me. Because I always do. Because I'm po'. And I like money a whole lot. But yet I seem to be having a massive amount of trouble getting inspired enough to sit down and get my taxes done. It is a sad state of affairs. And, yeah, yesterday I got pretty much nothing done at all. And the trip to Heroin River really sucked ass. I hate when we go to Heroin River and all we do is go to stores we have here, then eat at a restaurant we have here. Times like that I'd really rather just stay home.

So tomorrow is my mom's birthday. She's turning 50. Coincidently enough, tomorrow is also Capital City Guy's birthday. He's turning 26. Not quite as big of a deal as 50, though. A lot of people would be freaking out about it but my mom, even though she doesn't like people knowing how old she is, seems okay with it. Albeit in disbelief. Because she doesn't feel like she should be that old. Which is totally a good thing, right? You're only as old as you feel. That means I'm about 50 years old right now, though.

I just realized that even though Facebok is advertising my mom's birthday as being tomorrow, it's not doing it with Capital City Guy. That sneaky-assed bastard. But I ain't gonna forget.

Wow, I really hate being awake right now. Really and truly.

So I work 2 to 9 today. Then the glorious 11:30 to 7 tomorrow. THAT is a shitty shift, lemme tell you what. Just the timings of it ruin your entire day. Or my entire day, at least. Then Saturday I'm 8 to 3:30. I really freakin' hate my new mandatory Saturday shift. Starting at 8 wouldn't be so bad if I could maybe get off a little earlier than 3:30. Maybe if I could get off at 2 or something. Make it a shorter day for me. That would be nice. Then my mom's birthday party is gonna be Saturday evening. Should be interesting times. Then... yeah. Work again on Sunday, but I'm not sure what time yet. 10 to 5:30 would be my prediction. Possibly 10:30 to 6. Those are really my only two options for a Sunday. Then I'm probably gonna have Monday off. Or possibly Tuesday. I dunno, I'll find out when I go in today.

That paragraph was boring. *sigh* I clearly don't know what to do with myself right now. Maybe I'll go back on Facebook for a while... then read a little... then attempt sleep again. See what happens.

2008-04-10 at 1:59 a.m.