Meh Gah I'm Tired

So last night was interesting times. I met up with Chuckles and another girl from work... we got moderately drunk. I managed to score myself one free drink out of a guy. I had a couple Gin & Tonics, then I switched to Paralyzers cuz they were on special. They did a good job at getting me pretty buzzed. And there was a DJ there, and I decided I wanted to hear I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic at the Disco... you know, that is really hard to say when you're drunk. I had difficulties. But the guy played it, and I was stoked.

Then after the bar me, Chuckles, and this guy friend of her's hit up Tim Hortons... then I dunno, but me and her decided it would be a grand time to go to this lake near here to skinny dip. So we drove out there... and it was so damn cold. We got partially naked, and partially in the water before we changed our minds about the whole thing. But it was hilarious.

Then tonight I hung out with Giggles. Holy crap, her mom is just, like, SO in her business it's not even funny. But anyways, we ended up renting Dan In Real Life, ordering pizza, drinking beer, then playing a couple games on the Wii. It was alright times.

Wow, despite lots happening I don't really have the energy to really go into detail about much. But since I've written this much already... might as well save it. Might elaborate on more stuff tomorrow. Like this interesting conversation I'm having with Capital City Guy on MSN right now.

2008-04-05 at 11:18 p.m.