I'm Falling Apart

So I had to run outside just now after hearing my cat killing and/or being killed. He ran over to me as soon as I turned the outside light on... his tail was all puffed up and he was growling at something that I couldn't see, but he didn't seem to be any worse for wear. I think my cat may be the neighbourhood bad ass. Apparently my mom often finds fur in the yard that is clearly not his.

I still hate that he lives outside, though. Makes me worried.

So work today, even though it went by fast, was so brutal. My back has been killing me all day. And it's the kind of back pain that makes my stomach hurt as well. So that made work really not fun. And the pain is back now. It went away for a while after I took something for it. And it knocked me out too, I had a decent nap there earlier. But right now I'm pretty sure I couldn't swallow any pills without barfing them back up again. So... I dunno.

Giggles got in shit at work today. The assistant manager yelled at her until she cried. And Giggles is pretty tough, so I can't even imagine this. Apparently some customer complained about her and it was the worst complaint the assistant manager has heard about someone in all the years that she has worked there. Also, apparently, someone issues a complaint about Giggles about once a week, but that was the first she ever heard about it. So Giggles, after that, was all like "Um... I think I'm gonna start looking for a new job." Can't say I blame her. And the employees there... they're dropping like flies now, they really are. It's a sad state of affairs.

Giggles and Chuckles are going out tonight and they asked me if I wanted to come but I turned them down. I mean, yeah, I have the massive back pain right now but also... shit son, I've been going out too much lately. I just went out three weekends in a row... or was it four? Well, whatever. I think I wanna not get drunk again for a while. My hangover last Sunday was enough to scare me sober for a little while.

So I'm hoping that Capital City Guy will ask me to come to Capital City next weekend. Cuz I wanna go there again. But that doesn't exactly help the fact that I never feel like I get an actual day off because I'm always doing tiring shit on days when I'm not working. Although going to Capital City often does include a lot of sleeping and laying around watching TV. But it also usually includes a lot of alcohol and hot crazy monkey sex, which is tiring. But the hot crazy monkey sex is hotter than any hot crazy monkey sex you have ever had or will have. So it's probably worth it. But I don't wanna be all like "Hey... can I come see you?" I want him to ask. Because these are the games I play.

Anyways... my back = killing me. I need to go lie down or take more drugs or both. And hope I don't vomit at any time during any of those.

2008-03-29 at 8:52 p.m.