Victory Is Mine

Holy crap, I'm dying. Pretty sure I'm gonna go to bed after this.

Work today... I don't know what it was but holy god, it killed me. And I gotta go back there tomorrow morning, starting at 8. I'm the official starting at 8 on the Saturdays I work person now. Apparently this is a big deal. People were prepping me for it. I think it blows. Even if it does mean an hour customer-free, I don't like getting up that early. Especially after my day today, I just want to sleep forever.

My hair went a little crazy last night. It kinda turned into a mushroom or an umbrella or something, the top layers started doing something weird. But somehow I managed to get it looking close to how it had looked before... it was an awkward process, hopefully I'll get better. But the general consensus is that my hair looks good. Cute is the word that seems to be used most often. I got perky too. My hair makes me look perky. Well, something has gotta make me perky, I guess. Also a few people have said it makes me look older. Like, in a good way. Like I look less like a teenager and more like I'm in my mid 20s, like I am. I think I do agree with that, yeah.

And Capital City Guy, after seeing the picture of my hair on Facebook, started talking to me on MSN and he said: "You look so cute, it just makes me want to cuddle you. Then fuck you. Then cuddle you again." So I take it, it gets his seal of approval as well. I wanna try straightening it someday when I have the time and patience but for now, I think I'll just keep with the curls.

Goddamn. You know, I really hate working weekends. I like that I only have to work every other one but that makes the ones I do have to work that much more difficult to handle. And, you know... the people who have worked there for a while, they only have to work 1 Sunday a month. They still have to work every other Saturday, but only one Sunday. That must be nice. Sundays piss me off almost as much as Saturdays do. But Saturdays are still hands down the worst day of the week to work. Uggh.

I'm so damn tired. Yeah, I'm gonna go to bed now. My new sheets were nice to sleep on last night. I'm looking forward to trying them out again.

2008-03-28 at 8:32 p.m.