I'm Not Exciting At All

So it's officially the end of Fish now. Uggggliness. I would have liked to have been friends with him but either I screwed that up, he's not capable of just being friends with me, or a combination of both. Likely the combination, yeah. He deleted and blocked me on MSN, and the last thing he said was "Thanks for leading me on." Which, admittedly, I did at first because I was under the impression that I could somehow get myself to like him when, really, that just isn't possible. You either like someone or you don't. And, um... well, I've learned from this experience, if nothing else. And hopefully he has too.

345 Guy borderline on hates me again, because of Capital City Guy. There's a couple pictures of Capital City Guy and I from the past weekend where we look very cute and cozy, and 345 Guy is all like "Gaaaahhh!" 345 Guy is saying that I'm leading him on by talking to him while seeing Capital City Guy. Apparently I lead everyone on. However, I understand less how I'm leading 345 Guy on than how I lead Fish on. 345 Guy doesn't seem to understand the concept of anything, he's even less experienced in the world of relationships and dating than I am. He flat out told me that if I've been dating Capital City Guy for almost 5 months now that we must be in love, must be in a full-fledged relationship, and all this other stuff that isn't true. It's somehow not physically possible for me to be dating a guy that I really like, but also talking to this guy across the country who I also like, but in a different way. So I simply mussssst be lying about liking 345 Guy. Because apparently 2 pictures of Capital City Guy and I on Facebook touching eachother means we're getting engaged shortly.

Is the whole world going insane? If so, I refuse to let it take me with it.

My supervisor... she PISSES me off. She's back to being extremely extremely negative. Customers are getting crazier... "Don't scratch it! Don't scratch it! OH MY GOD, YOU'RE SCRATCHING IT!" "Lady... I ain't scratchin' shit." Except I didn't actually say that... but man, I was close. "YOU'RE GONNA SCRATCH IT!!!!" Fuck you, you crazy old bat.

Tomorrow is my little meeting with management. I've made a list of my "concerns". I will express these. My supervisor said that most of my concerns will likely be solved right there in the meeting, however co-workers of mine who have also done this says nothing ever comes of anything. So... yay. I'm basically just looking forward to 10, 15... hell, maybe I can stretch it out to half an hour or not doing any real work, but still getting paid.

You know who just started talking to me on MSN, literally out of the FRICKIN' blue? Squinty. "So if you're not living in [Cracktown] anymore, there's no point in me going over there." Um... whatever. Don't you still have a cousin who lives over there, buddy? Then he asked if I had any plans to go over to the Big City, and I was like "Eh... not really." You realize I have not seen this guy at all in 6 months now. 6 months. But he still thinks he can randomly show up on MSN and start arranging a long distance booty call or something.

My parents bought one of those high definition Tivo-like cable boxes, so I have the old cable box from the living room in my bedroom now. When I moved away, I gave my mom my cable box for her bedroom, since I couldn't afford digital cable when I was living on my own. When I moved back, even though it was MINE... I didn't get it back. But now I have this one. Not that I'm going to get a lot of use out of it, I barely ever watch TV anymore. It's just one more thing in my room that can potentially catch on fire, now that I think about it.

Chuckles lent me Walk The Line to watch, because apparently it's fantastic, and I watched the first half hour last night and I was all like "Huh?" Maybe it gets better. Maybe I'll watch some more tonight. Or not. I dunno. So I work early tomorrow... then I have Thursday off. I'm planning to go over to Giggles' house tomorrow night to play with her new Wii, then on Thursday I might go get a haircut. And that is how exciting I am.

2008-03-25 at 8:53 p.m.