Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish

I guess I should write about my weekend, because inquiring minds need to know.

Got to Cracktown around 9:30 Saturday morning... shopping at both the Good Mall and Semi-Good Mall was extremely unsuccessful. Giggles mom took us out for lunch, though, then gave us 20 bucks each cuz she wanted to go to the casino. So the 20 bucks, that wasn't even mine to start with, got me $31.50. So I considered that highly successful.

The hotel was pretty decent. Nice view of the pool that was closed for the season. Giggles and I hung out at the hotel for most of the afternoon... napped and watched TV. I attempted to make a prank phone call, I randomly picked some number in the phone book and was gonna do the classic "Is your refrigerator running" thing, but I got as far as "Is your..." then I burst into hysterical laughter and hung up.

I went and bought a dozen doughnuts with part of my casino winnings, and we munched on those until it was 7 and we concluded it was no longer too early for our pre-drinking. We picked up a case of beer and since there was no little fridge in the room, we filled the bathroom sink with ice and kept the beer in there. It was quite great.

At around 9, Giggles and I went to pick up Capital City Guy at the bus depot. Then the three of us headed off to the bar, where Thing 1 was waiting. Also another girl that we used to work with came, along with her friend. And much as I predicted, Thing 1 and Giggles DID NOT get along. So there was a bit of tension and stuff.

Then we went to this other bar... and Thing 1 ended up getting invited to the VIP room by some guy. She was all like "You can come if you want" so Giggles and I followed her in there, but of course it was filled with Cracktown's most beautiful and ignorant people, and Thing 1 was in her own little world with the guy who had invited her, so Giggles and I just left. And by this point I was kind of drunk so Thing 1's behaviour had really really upset me. It was her going away party, I was supposedly her best friend, and she had essentially ditched me. So I was outside of the bar bawling my eyes out, with the rest of the people we were with trying to comfort me. Then the girl I used to work with and her friend had to leave, so Giggles, Capital City Guy, and I hit one more bar, where we actually had some real fun cuz it was just the three of us, then we went back to the hotel.

So Capital City Guy and I had sex in the hotel with Giggles passed out over on the next bed... except she apparently wasn't as out of it as we thought she was, because the next morning she was just like "Oh my god, you guys. I heard everything." I was a little embarassed, but Capital City Guy thought it was great... and she just thought it was funny, so it's all good. Then Capital City Guy was walking around the hotel room naked the next morning, which prompted a hilarious reaction from Giggles, but I wasn't overly impressed with that. He was just like "Hey, I'm just comfortable with my body, that's all."

So, yeah, later in the morning Capital City Guy had to leave to go to his parents' place so Giggles and I checked out of the hotel and went to have some hangover food, then her mom picked us up and we came home. So the weekend had its ups and downs. Mainly ups, though. My fear that Capital City Guy would find Thing 1 more interesting than me, like 80% of the male population does, did not happen. He told me later what a shallow, skanky little bitch he thought she was, and said that I deserve better friends than her. Capital City Guy and Giggles got along pretty well, though. After he left, Giggles was all like "I definitely approve." So that is good.

Now... now I'm off to work soon. I'm not impressed with that.

2008-03-24 at 11:40 a.m.