Look At Me, I'm 23

Oh, my birthday. My birthday.

Work today went okay. My mom started before me this morning and she went around telling everyone that it was my birthday so literally EVERYONE was like "Hey, happy birthday!" It was kind of funny, embarassing, and annoying all wrapped into one. But, yeah, the day went alright... my supervisor was there today when I thought she wasn't gonna be, though. And I had one real bitch of a customer. And I didn't get as much done as I wanted. But... oh well. Still an okay day. And there was this one rep in the store today... damn, did he ever look like a certain Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Man. I think it was mostly the hair and glasses, but I watched him from a distance and I was all like "Hot damn. It really IS my birthday!"

I got lots of people writing on my wall on Facebook wishing me a happy birthday. Teehee, makes me feel so popular. And lots of text messages and messages on MSN and stuff. And... Capital City Guy called me. I was just sitting here and the phone started ringing, and when I saw who it was I was just like "Well, I'll be damned." So, that was really really sweet. It was basically just him rambling about weird stuff, but it was still so nice to hear his voice. And he said he's gonna be in Cracktown again on Easter weekend and would like it if we could meet up there again. I dunno if I feel like going there again, though. But it would be great to see him.

So for my birthday dinner I requested pizza, and it was damn tasty. Also, for a change from the traditional cake, I requested pie. So I got a chocolate creme pie, it was pretty good. And, present-wise... Uncle Moneybags is gonna make me one of his signature custom boxes with whatever design I want on the lid. I'm still debating between a llama or skull and crossbones. Or a llama skull and crossbones, that would rule! And from my parents I got a toy Gordon train (from Thomas and Friends... Gordon RULES! I've been wanting a toy Gordon forever!), a couple of things of lip gloss... and $1000. My grandma, with her $100,000 bank account or whatever it is that she never spends... she's decided to give each of her kids $7000. So my mom decided to put $2000 towards the mortgage, $2000 towards car payments, and $1000 to each of the 3 of us to do with as we please. I'm probably not really gonna do anything specific with my share... just save it for moving out or something. And I might buy a couple of extravagant things if the mood hits me but right now, I can't really think of anything I really want.

I'm probably gonna go out on Saturday... probably gonna go out to this bar with Chuckles and another co-worker. It's a bar that Giggles is currently banned from (one of two... I don't know how that girl does it) so she won't be able to come, unfortunately. But it's a bar I've never been to... mainly cuz I mainly just go out with Giggles and, yeah, she can't go there. Anyways, Fish said he'll come out too if I let him know the details beforehand. And Chuckles said she's gonna make me wear a penis hat and drink from a penis straw and all sorts of embarassing stuff since it'll be my belated birthday celebration. Haha, goodie. Keep an eye on Facebook for those lovely pictures.

So... I can't say that 23 feels a hell of a lot different than 22. I had a day of feeling extra special, though. That was nice.

2008-03-13 at 8:32 p.m.