Tomorrow Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

Okay, so... Diaryland... I wasn't huge on the black, but I'm also not huge on you just going back to the old ugly-assed colours. Yeesh.

I decided that one last entry as a 22 year was in order. Yes, indeed, tomorrow is the big day... Emu turns the big two three. Not that it matters. 23... it's such an insignificant age. Kind of like 22 was. But, you know... it's a big day none the less.

I had today off. I didn't really do anything. I watched the movie Let's Go To Prison twice. Good movie. Will Arnett = hot. And it was just a really funny movie. Yesterday I watched Saw II after watching the first Saw the night before... I'm actually watching movies again! I went, like... forever without watching any movies at all. Maybe I'm getting my attention span back. Now if I can actually get through a novel in less than 6 months, I'll be cookin' with gas!

Guess who randomly started talking to me again last night? Fish. Like... I had given up on him. I tried talking to him sooooo many times and he just ignored me. So... I guess this is good that he talked to me again. I like the guy. On purely a friend basis. I asked him if I went out this weekend to celebrate my birthday if he'd come, and he said he would if he could. So... yeah. But it's not even for sure that I'm going out. I am, after all, working all weekend. And Emu doesn't handle hangovers as well as she used to. ["But Emu! Why don't you just go out and not get drunk!" the audience yells] Haha, you haven't been reading my blog here for very long, have you? For if you had been, you'd know that is pretty much impossible.

I had a bit of an awwwwwwesome conversation on MSN with Capital City Guy last night... one where he actually responded to messages in, like, a minute or less... but then my friggin' internet died at a crucial part of the converstaion and I was all like "Nooooooooo!" So I'm hoping he comes on MSN again tonight so we can continue where we left off.

I wore my new boots out in public today and... goddamn, they are so friggin' hot. And they make me about 6 feet tall. And I definitely will break an ankle someday. But daaaaamn skippy! I just like them a lot.

Hmm. I'm bored now. I don't know what to do. Guess I'll have to find something to occupy my final few hours of being 22.

2008-03-12 at 8:38 p.m.