3 Days

Wow. How much did I NOT need to consume that sundae I just made myself? Uggh.

So... I don't faithfully write in here every day anymore. Well, whatever. So I totally had to re-read my last entry there to figure out what's happened since then. And a fair amount has.

So, yeah, I'm now going to Cracktown the weekend before my birthday, when Capital City Guy is also going to be there. Only thing is, Thing 1 is gonna be out of town that weekend. So I'm gonna be staying with the Little Chickita, who recently moved into an apartment in my old neighbourhood (the building I was on the waiting list for before I got the one I ended up getting) with her FIANCEE... yeah, bitch got engaged. Brings a tear to my eye. So, yeah, I'm gonna stay with her, wander my old stomping grounds, hopefully spend as much time with Capital City Guy as possible... Thing 1 is gonna be so pissed about this whole thing but I really don't care. Last time I was there she was the only person I saw. So I deserve going there at a time when she's not there so I can see some other people.

Someone from work started a Facebook group for us employees... and because it was an open group for the first day where anyone could read what we were writing and some people (not me) were bad-mouthing other employees and also talking about an unpleasant store "problem" we have that we're not supposed to share with the outside world, we've gotten into all sorts of crap for violating the "privacy clause" that we signed. Except I'm pretty sure I never signed such a thing. When I started there, I signed nothing... they didn't even ask for my address and telephone number... poorly run fiasco of a store it is. But, yeah, this group... someone decided to inform the manager about it, and he's one not very happy camper. Giggles got taken aside today and was flat out told "We should fire you for this." Harsh. Management hasn't said anything to me personally, and I hope it stays that way. I didn't say anything negative, didn't talk about our "problem" at all, and also... they didn't get me to sign no privacy clause anyway, so I can do whatever I want.

345 Guy sent me a message on Facebook last night. We had an extremely ugly ugliness a month ago that I never talked about in here in detail which caused me to cut him off COMPLETELY. Deleted him and his mother from Facebook, and also blocked both of them on MSN. No more of me being "Oh... he's not that bad of a guy... I wanna talk to him again" after that, let me tell you what. He pushed it waaay too far that time. I could have killed the motherfucker. Anyways... yeah, he sent me a message last night after A MONTH saying that he was really sorry about what he did, taking responsibility for being the world's biggest asshole, and saying that he was having a hard time living with himself after all that. So he asked if we could be friends again. And... I've decided to give him another chance. He seems to have mellowed out now... he even asked thoughtful friendly questions about Capital City Guy, and admitted that he sounded like a good guy for me. We've had pleasant conversations the past couple nights, 345 Guy and I. I'm quite... pleasantly surprised. And I hope he doesn't fuck this up again because seriously, when he's being a decent human being... he's my favourite person to talk to.

My supervisor is a mega supertron bitch. Work yesterday and today was brutal. I hate my freakin' job. I almost flipped out completely at a bunch of customers both yesterday and today and I'm just so sore and tired all the time. There is far too much heavy lifting involved in my job sometimes. I can't really handle it in the quantity that I have to endure. And I almost cried so many times today... so not cool. I hope tomorrow is better. And even if it's not... at least I have Thursday off and I can properly recover.

Well, enough of me. I might go to bed early tonight. I'm tired. Still kinda sick, too. And I think I'm on my way to becoming addicted to Otrivin again. I seriously was addicted to that stuff once. Felt like I couldn't breathe unless I used it. I think I'll use it tonight and then I'm gonna cut myself off, no matter how stuffy I feel. Seriously, that is the craziest stuff in the world to become dependent on.

2008-02-26 at 8:18 p.m.