Emu Is A Sucker For The Cute Sweet Boys...

Ugh. I shouldn't be awake. First of all, it takes me FOREVER to fall asleep... bad enough I was up too late anyway. And now... NOW!!!! Gah.

Work yesterday was kinda brutal. My supervisor went back to being herself. Her extreme coolness was apparently short-lived. After her saying on Monday that the progess of my department rearranging was going very well, yesterday she was all spastic with "Oh my god, this needs to be done NOW!!!" So she started helping me again... for a little while. Then she was all "Well... you're kinda doing this wrong. And this." And... yeah. I could have done without all that.

So, last night... unplesantness with Fish. I guess I didn't mention this but ever since his "Why didn't you talk to me tonight?" message, he has refused to speak to me. But last night after a certain amount of pleading on my part, we finally had a discussion... we're gonna try just being friends, but he wants to go a while without seeing me again first because he's kind of upset and stuff. And I said that was okay and understandable and all that. But... yeah. That all could have been played out better, I think.

But also last night... goodness with Capital City Guy. Just a second, I'm gonna look up our conversation history here for an exact quote of an amazing thing he said to me...
"I think you're pretty damn grounded. You're refreshingly sane and rational and address your negative feelings directly when you recognize them, which is more than most people can say. Maybe this doesn't sound like much of a compliment, but it really is if you think about the amount of shit people pull on a regular basis. And also, you're hot. Really hot. I'll overlook any other sign of crazy if you just shoot me a sly grin now and then."

Holla! Ego boost right there. Also we've agreed to start "seeing eachother" again... so not this weekend but the next weekend I have off, which'll be in a couple weeks... I'll go see him again. And it will be grand. As long as I don't get all psycho as I did before. But I think I've realized some things now. So it'll be better.

So the new schedule was posted yesterday... then my supervisor came up to me all like "So... I'm gonna extend all of your shifts for next week, okay?" Apparently a bigwig is coming to visit. She wants her departments, like... BEYOND flawless. So I'm gonna have to finish my department off next week, for sure for sure. Which is fine... I'll sleep better at night once it's done. But man, next week is gonna kill me.

So Emu should try to get a bit more sleep... I only have a 6 hour shift today, but it starts at 9 and... yeah. I will die if I don't sleep some more first. Hell, I'll probably die anyway.

2008-02-21 at 2:40 a.m.