I Have... THE FEAR!

I was just checking out Cracktown's new transit schedule online... it has found itself slightly improved in the new year here. Unlike last year where I had a nervous breakdown at how it actually got shittier. But yeah, I was just checking it out so I can plan my trip there tomorrow... Should be... interesting. Or something.

So Four Night Stand Guy didn't come tonight, because he was too tired to drive that far. Which is more than okay, because I'm all varieties of tired too. I was actually quite relieved when he sent me a message asking if we could do this another time. I might be going to bed soon, me thinks... get all comfy cozy in my bed and drift off into lala land with Anderson Cooper whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Sounds like a plan.

So I went to the doctor today... confirmed my suspicions, I do indeed have another bladder infection! (TMI, I know...) Well I wanted to get it checked out quickly before it got to the point that it did last time where I thought for sure I was going to die. This time, though, I only have to go on anti-biotics for 3 days instead of a week, so I guess early detection is the key. The doctor at the walk in clinic also gave me THREE MONTHS worth of my anti-depressants... doctors/pharmacists down in Cracktown refused to ever give me more than a month's worth at a time. Here I was not even sure if they'd renew it for me, what with this clinic having no record of me being on them, but the doc was just like "Sure, what's your dosage? How much did you want, is 3 months okay?" Quite lovely.

My schedule for next week is pretty sweet, except for the fact that I'm starting at 10 on Sunday after I'm expected to go out and partay the night before... I'm also working until 9 again on the Friday night before my weekend off, so that screws up any plans to go to Capital City or Cracktown... which sucks all kinds of ass. Actually, no, I don't wanna go to Cracktown again so soon... if that's the weekend Capital City Guy decides to go visit his family in Cracktown, I'll probably just stay home. But if he's staying home, I'll go visit. Capital City Guy and I need a better line of communication, though. He's barely ever on MSN and besides the occasional Facebook message, that's the only way we talk.

Haha, now that he's mentioned the relationship word to me, all I can see is faults in it and him. I guess I'm just like that, though.

So here's something funny... I decided I really wanted a cigarette but my parents are both asleep and the security alarm is set... me unsetting it to go outside would likely wake the 'rents up and raise questions tomorrow... so I was gonna just halfway crawl out of my bathroom window to smoke... then I realized that the new windows have screens in them and I didn't want to mess with that. So I, like, attempted to smoke right by the wide open window and had a bottle of air freshener to douse the room with right afterwards, but after a few puffs I just got incredibly paranoid that the entire house was filling up with smoke, so I put it out. Perhaps better that way. I really don't need to smoke. No one needs to smoke. I just wanted to because I've found myself with so many of them. But I can't smoke at work because a co-worker might see and mention it to my mom... I have to be careful walking along the street smoking because who knows who may drive by... I'll have to just go smoke in the bushes or something.

Or in Cracktown.

2008-01-16 at 9:08 p.m.