
So I've been in a baaad mood today, mainly because of Thing 1 and how, even 100 km away, she still manages to really really piss me off. I need to, like, not let her get to me...

Work today had its ups and downs but this was a new one for me... this little old lady stopped me in the middle of the store today and tried to give me money for this thing she wanted to buy. And I was like "Um... sorry, you'll have to go to a cashier." And she was like "Oh. Well, can you just give the money to the cashier for me?" Ha. Hahaha. I should have just been like "Oh sure! Not a problem!" and pocketted it. But then, knowing my luck, I'd get fired. So instead I just had to explain why I couldn't do that.

Remind me never to get old.

So Capital City Guy has FINALLY messaged me back to say it's cool if I come visit him again this weekend... that guy needs to spend less time on the XBox and more time not leavin' me all hangin' like that... that was another reason why I was pissed off earlier today. Not just cuz of Thing 1. And, yeah, he totally used a word in his message that I had no idea what it meant, and had to look up just now. That kinda turned me on. He's all smart and stuff with his big words. That's hot.

So back to work tomorrow. And Monday. Then Tuesday off. Then work Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Then the weekend off. Head off to Capital City Saturday morning. Head back Sunday evening. I've got my week planned here, as you can see. And of course Tuesday is the military recruiting thing-a-ma-bobber. The thought of me in the military still makes me laugh. Like, I've thought about applying for the RCMP as well but... well, if it's one or the other, I'm probably more suited for the military than the RCMP. Slightly.

I'm tired. But I just sucked back a Diet Pepsi, so I probably won't be able to get to sleep. Oh well, back to Facebook for a while, I guess.

2008-01-05 at 9:38 p.m.