Another 5 Months And I Can Move Away...

Today wasn't a very good day at work. I have a feeling there's some people working there that I'm just never going to win over. Well, I mean... I know most of those people have been working there for years and years and years... new girl from out of town shows up and it's just a very "You're not welcome here" vibe I'm getting from some of my co-workers. It's harsh. And just hammers home, once again, my theory that Nutty McShitvilleites are assholes.

At least I have tomorrow off. And I don't go back until Saturday at 2. It'll give me some time to recover. Like today after work I had the hardest time I've had yet at just being able to calm down after I got off. 3 hours later I was still really worked up. That's not good, and that's not healthy.

It's the Grandmother's birthday today. She's 69... such a sexy number for such an unsexy old lady who didn't even bother to put her teeth in for the occasion. She was just gumming away at this piece of pizza and it was just like... aw man. Bring on the alcohol, cuz Emu needs a drink to be able to deal with this. She also called me by Cousin Prissy McPriss' name which, you know, always sits so well with me. And... yeah. That was my evening.

Superbad, I've discovered, is extremely over-rated. And the ending pissed me off. Oh, I'm bitter. But anyways... yeah, it was still okay. Took me, like, 17 sittings to be able to get through the whole thing, though. Like, you know... Emu lacks the attention span for cinema. I was thinking of going to go see Walk Hard after work today but, first of all, I forgot to bring my wallet and the last time I checked movies were not free, and secondly... damn, sitting there for at least 2 hours? I'd lose my mind and go insane.

I mean... go more insane than I already am. If that's possible.

I'm once again in talks with Capital City Guy to go visit him again... because I hate this damn town with a fiery passion and want to get out Out OUT! Also, you know... me like him long time. So I'll probably go see him again next weekend, although I won't be able to go until Saturday because I work until 9 on that Friday and the last bus out of town is at 6:30. And, of course, if there were a bus after 9 it wouldn't get to Capital City until, like, 3 in the morning. Anyways... my point. Do I have a point? Oh yeah. I hate Nutty McShitville. I like Capital City. I like Capital City Guy. And if I don't go to Capital City I'll go to Cracktown because... well, see first point.

2008-01-03 at 9:39 p.m.