I'm Okay. You're Okay. I'm Okay If You're Okay.

Bought my new digital camera today! It's an Olympus, 7.1 megapixels... it's sexy. I like it. And it was only 100 bucks. I haven't had a chance to play with it a whole lot and I haven't even installed the software on my computer yet but... all this will be done soon.

So, this should be my last entry before my weekend getaway... I doubt I'll have time to spurt off anything tomorrow after work, it's gonna be pretty rushed. So... yeah. EXCITED! I was talking to Capital City Guy last night, making sure he'd be able to meet me at the bus depot and all this stuff... it'll be good. I'll be, like, SO DEAD by the time I get there... working 9-4:30, catching the bus at 6:30, then not getting to Capital City until 11:30. Hopefully he won't expect anything out of me tomorrow night, because I probably won't be able to deliver. But last night he called me "my lovely girl" and... *sigh* It made me happy.

I ended up talking on the phone with Thing 1 last night for two hours. Well two phone calls, an hour each. The first one, she was just drunk at home alone. Second time she called me, though, she had just snorted some coke so she was EXTREMELY talkative. She's quite convinced I'm the best friend she's ever had. I think that was just the alcohol and cocaine talking. But I promised her I'd come to Cracktown to visit her soon. She said something about maybe tagging along with me to Capital City this weekend, but... I hope she doesn't. If only because I do not trust that girl around any guy that I like.

Work today was kinda ridiculous. Had, like, the craziest customer ever. I had one of the cashiers page me all like "Um... I have this customer here who is insisting that blouses are buy one, get one free." And I was like "No... sweaters are buy one get one free, not blouses." So I go up there and the customer just flips out at me, demands that I follow her to where she got them, and was all like "Look at that sign. Buy one get one free." And I said "Yes I know, but under that it says 'sweaters'. Unfortunately these blouses were just put back in the wrong place." So the customer starts yelling "IT SAYS BUY ONE GET ONE FREE." Me: "[deep breath] Yes, but the sign does specify that it only applies to sweaters." Customer: "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY I'VE SPENT IN THIS STORE DURING THE YEARS? THIS IS BULLSHIT! I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO A MANAGER!" Which are magical words, it means I no longer have to deal with them. So my supervisor came over, and I ran away.

Then tonight at closing I was incharge of making sure there were no customers left in the store and... haha, apparently I missed one. Oops. Oh well, yet another reason for my supervisor to think I'm an idiot. She has plenty now.

So... back there tomorrow morning. Nothing is more depressing than closing one night then opening the next morning. Oh well... just gotta get through tomorrow then I have the weekend off, which I will spend with the sweetest man on the planet, then next week's work schedule is just sooo slack and nice. It will be all good. Just one more day of hell, I can make it!

2007-12-27 at 9:28 p.m.