My Dogs Are Barkin'!

Guess what's not over that I thought was? UGLINESS with 345 Guy. Like, okay... we decided we could be friends. He's fun to talk to, all that... yay and stuff. So this morning he was like "So, now that I no longer care..." and he started asking questions about Capital City Guy. And STUPID ME decided to be honest. BIG MISTAKE. Uggggggggllyyyyy. He blocked and/or deleted me on MSN... implied all sorts of things about my character... acted like the victim... made me feel shitty... and maybe yeah, I should feel shitty for originally lying about certain things. But he was all really hurt and... yeah. We've sent some messages back and forth on Facebook this evening... all rather generic, except for when I shared the poem I wrote about the whole thing today with him (yeah, I was upset enough that I wrote a poem... big whoop, wanna fight about it?). And... yeah.

Goooo Emu! Ever the expert at fucking things up.

So I'm TRYING to clean... but fuck man, I'm sooo tired and my feet are killing me like they've never killed me before. I was in the kitchen just now trying to scrub my stove (that thing will NEVER be clean... I'm pretty sure that it was manufactured dirty) and... yeah. I felt like crying, my feet hurt so much. Things are not going well.

Um... so what else has made me feel like killing myself today? Lemme see... oh, I finally saw this infamous extreme drunken picture Thing 1 took of me a while ago. Pure class. My hair is a mess, I'm all slumped over in a chair, bra strap prominently on display... oh yes. CLASSY BROAD RIGHT HERE. No wonder the mens love me.

Oh wait. No they don't. My mistake.

Holy crap, I'm so tired right now. I need, like, 70 Red Bulls to get me back to fully functioning. I neeed to get more cleaning done tonight. In the worst possible way.

I'll let myself sit here til 10:30 then, throbbing sore feet or not, I'm getting back on them and getting some stuff done before I allow myself sleep.

So it's my last day at that place tomorrow. Then tomorrow night is my going away party. And Sunday... bye bye Cracktown... until I come back in a week or so for the rest of mah shit. And I'm thinking, depending on some stuffs... I have Friday off, I might come down here just for the day to do some more cleaning, then go back home that night. Maybe. Just something I'm thinking about. Although that's 40 bucks roundtrip on the smelly Greyhound just to clean and not have any fun whatsoever.

Life sucks today. So bad. I'm seriously thinking of just saying "Fuck it" and going to bed, having accomplished nothing. I have a bit of time tomorrow morning, depending on when I get up... a few hours after work before the party... then I dunno what time my mom is coming to get me on Sunday, but I'll likely have some time before then too... but I'll also likely be hungover. Gah.

2007-12-07 at 9:40 p.m.